Official FMC (Freelance Modding Crew) Release
This script adds manual Ignition to all motor-driven vehicles. Just place the mod in your mods folder.
- Start keys -
"Y" or "," also called period key on keypad.
- Options -
Read first post on support topic.
- Sidenote-
If a mod already has an version of any "manual ignition" then either remove this script or remove it on the mod (or read support topic how to disable this script), reason for this is that both of the scripts will be "active" .
- Change Log -
- AI do not use fuel
- AI turn off engine (ignition) when done / dismissed (if no player is in the vehicle)
- Minor script improving
Please respect our copyright and not upload this mod to other hosting sites -
v 1.0 Templaer - 01 May 2009v 2.0 Henly20 - 24 April 2012
v 3.0 Xentro - 26 October 2012
v 3.0.1 Xentro - 31 October 2012
31 Oct 21:34Version 3.0.1
by Napalm_vfr
ago over 12 years
by SmokingDude89
ago about 12 years
by SmokingDude89
ago about 12 years
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