IMPORTANT **I changed the insurgent checkpoint scenario name to add an 's' at the end (to bring it into comformity with official naming schemes). You will need to update your map cycles. Apologies.**
Latest: *added new Domination, TDM and Push (Security) scenarios*
Known issues: AI gets stuck in places and get a bit lost sometimes (so some captures can be easy). The overview map seems a little misaligned (but I checked and I did it right I think?). Lighting can be bad, especially on the night version (I will try make a static light build at some point). You'll want High shadow quality as a minimum, or it will look more awful than usual. For now, it's just dynamic lit.
I am considering/hoping to add an Insurgents push scenario, maybe Firefight scenarios, and a second set of checkpoint scenarios.
Scenarios currently in map:
normal checkpoint:
hardcore checkpoint:
domination (PVP):
team deathmatch (PVP):
push (PVP):
Recent gameplay:
Security checkpoint (hardcore) scenario:
Insurgents checkpoint scenario:
This map is inspired by/a partial remake of the Macedonia map from Infiltration (old but ground-breaking FPS most active around 2000-2004). The map was made by Old Geezer. Tony, if you ever read this, please get in touch! Love your maps.
15 Jul 05:02Version 0.14
Added TDM and Push (Security) PVP modes
These are still experimental/needing testing
Renamed Scenario_Macedonia_Checkpoint_Insurgent to Scenario_Macedonia_Checkpoint_Insurgents. Your map cycles will break. Apols
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