M&O adaptor frame implement frontloader

V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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UPDATE: Now its possible to rotate the adaptor frame with the tractor's hydraulics. You can now use shovels with it.


The AgrarProfi24 tractor three-point adapter coupling hook offers the possibility of existing devices with Euro mount (loader connection) as Soil buckets, manure forks, ball forks etc. Also to go to the rear of the tractor hydraulics. The adapter frame made of high strength steel, we have with galvanized bolts.


Factory side the adapter frame is colored red RAL 3002 , but can be dyed any color.

The weight is in original 70 kg; I have increased it to 243 kg so it will not easily slip away.

When disconnected it doesn't fall down but stands magically.

During the coupling, the bolt will be inserted.


All common front loading extensions can be installed. However, Caution: The hydraulic system of the tractor can't moved in every direction or rotate, therefore the adapter frame is especially recommended for pallet and bale transport is.

With all standard tractors, this frame has been tested, the height is perfect for Stoll Palette fork and for Poltergabel.


Modell: moep0710
Textur: moep0710
Script: moep0710
Idee / Konzept: moep0710
Tester: moep0710
Sonstige: moep0710

  • 20 Oct 15:53
    Version 1.2

    - größeres Update: Ab jetzt ist es möglich, den Rahmen zu Kippen, sodass auch Schaufeln und Mistgabeln super funktionieren. In den Screenshots mehr davon!

  • 20 Oct 15:53
    Version 1.1

    - Ecken und Kanten hinzugefügt, siehe Screenshots.

  • 19 Oct 16:59
    Version 1.0


checksum: 9d1708b1b81fc9bfe200c675e2069506
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: moep0710
price in shop: 279 LS
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19.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.8 / 5 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
4.39 MB 2332
20. 10 2016 2,332
V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
4.38 MB 605
20. 10 2016 605
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
3.86 MB 1308
19. 10 2016 1,308

2 Comments for M&O adaptor frame implement frontloader

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  1. moep0710 20. 10 2016

    UPDATE: Now it's also possible to rotate the adaptor frame. Now you can easily use shovels on it. (Screenshots for more information)

    UPDATE: Jetzt kann durch die Hydraulik des Traktors der Rahmen auch gekippt werden. Damit können auch Schaufeln sinnvoll genutzt werden. Siehe Screenshots

  2. Beunheas 19. 10 2016

    Your model has no Edge Split, and so it is not a nice looking model. Don't know if you used blender for the conversion, but if you do you might need to use the Edge Split function.

    3 replies
