Hi guys! Here I have a small, self-programmed tool for you.
Do you know the problem that you have in multiplayer mods other than SP, and always must laboriously switch between the mods folder? - I had the problem, and so this program was created.
You have to do nothing more than a gameSettings.xml for the single player (gameSettingsSP.xml) and a gameSettings.xml for the multiplayer (gameSettingsMP.xml) to apply. Then you start this tool and you can even switch between the two folders - as often as you want: D
For detailed information & illustrated instructions are in the download archive!
PS: Do not worry because the exe, it's really just the tool - NOT A VIRUS!
The program may be found on other pages only with original link to download.
This program must be published with original download link only.
10 Oct 22:11Version 1.2.2
- Man kann nun die Einstellungen (benutzerdef. Pfad zu den Mods-Ordnern, Name der Ordner, etc.) speichern
---> Dabei wird eine XML-Datei erstellt
- Kleine bugfixes -
10 Oct 18:36Version 1.2.1
- Man nun die Modsordner wo anders speichern als im normalen Ordner (wo man will!)
- Klitzekleine optische Verbesserung :D
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