Lizard Pickups modified version
Pickup 2017:
(More Engine configurations)
- Engine 184-396 HP
- Max Speed 110-180 KPH
Pickup 1986:
(Engine configurations)
- Engine 130-244 HP
- Max Speed 90-135 KPH
This is a modified version of the Pickups from the base game.
The mod has its own category, engine configurations and many more.
- Engine configuration (2017: -$300/$1245/$2450/$4500| 1986: -$200/$750/$1200/$3200)
- Color configuration
- Rim Color configuration
- Beaconlights configuration ($150/$399|$65/$135)
- strobes option ($100)
- Convoy Sign configuration ($350)
- Country Flag configuration ($50)
- GPS (Matrix 430) configuration ($50)
- Paulaner Spezi bottle configuration ($25)
- Warning Stripes configuration ($50)
Characteristics Pickup 2017:
- Price: $45,000
- Power: 184-396 HP
- Max Speed: 110-180 KPH
Characteristics Pickup 1986:
- Price: $25,000
- Power: 130-244 HP
- Max Speed: 90-135 KPH
Thanks to (Prefabs):
Slajmon - Beacon Bar
JMZ for the Country Flags
JMZ for the GPS Matrix 430
AgrarModdingNordschwarzwald for the LED Strobes
Jonas for the Spezi
3dmxModding for the Warning Stripes
22 Apr 10:27Version
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