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[Replaces an older version of this mod]
Available at 1 Commoner. Replaces the Dairy and Sheep farms.
Cattle Farm (2 options)
- Cattle can produce meat or milk. Cattle produce more milk per animal than other livestock.
- Cattle can be raised intensively with the Cattle Yard and Hay Meadows, or with a Cattle Barn and Cattle Pastures.
- Each intensive Cattle Yard should be paired with 1-2 Hay Meadows.
- Cattle Barn should have 4-5 Cattle Pastures.
- Process the cattle at the Cattle Pen (slaughter or milk).
- If you use the intensive Cattle Yard, make sure to clear away the dung with a Dung Heap. Otherwise the workplace will fill up and stop producing.
Sheep Farm (2 options)
- Sheep are the most versatile livestock: they can produce meat, milk or wool.
- Sheep can be raised intensively with the Sheep Yard and Hay Meadows, or with the Sheep Fold and pastures.
- Each intensive Sheep Yard should be paired with 1-2 Hay Meadows.
- Sheep Fold requires that you paint the pasture area. Sheep will spawn in the pasture at the beginning of the month.
- Process the sheep at the Sheep Pen (slaughter, shear or milk).
- If you use the intensive Sheep Yard, make sure to clear away the dung with a Dung Heap. Otherwise the workplace will fill up and stop producing.
Goat Farm
- Goats produce either meat or milk. Goats are less expensive to initially buy than sheep or cattle.
- Goats can only be kept in Pastures which you paint like farm fields.
- Process the goats in the Goat Pen (slaughter or milk).
Pig Farm
- Pigs only produce meat, but they can produce more quickly in a smaller area than any other livestock.
- To feed the pigs, build a Feed Silo and stock it with Wheat, Milk and Vegetables to make Animal Feed.
- The Pig Yard will then feed the pigs with Animal Feed.
Butcher's Shop
- The butcher takes carcasses produced by Slaughter Pens and produces Meat, which is sold to villagers.
- The butcher has a table for selling, or Meat can be sold at any Food market. If you use the butcher table for selling you do not need to store Meat in a granary.
- The creamery takes Milk and produces Butter, which can be sold to villagers.
- The creamery has a table for selling, or Butter can be sold at any Food market. If you use the creamery table for selling you do not need to store Butter in a granary.
- The chandlery makes candles from tallow and wood.
- The chandlery has a table for selling, or Candles can be sold at any Goods market. If you use the chandlery table for selling you do not need to store Candles in a warehouse.
- Tallow is sourced from Slaughter Pens.
Rail Fence
- Available from the Walls menu.
Many thanks to Minotorious for developing the animal movement code!
04.08 2021
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