Hello everybody,
Welcome to "Little Farm Planet" this is already in version 1.3!
This is a converted Bjorn Holm, when I've changed a lot, and will change even more.
Among the changes:
The halls on the farm have been disappeared and replaced by shelters.
The cow pasture scored a mixing station and "leak" the cows a little more.
The Farm House has moved and you start directly from there.
Start Vehicles and Start fields slightly adjusted.
Your chickens are now running around your house and the eggs they lay you on the terrace.
I've done more but if I were to enumerate every blade of grass I am tomorrow nich ready
by letter.
Grab NEN Piqup and look for yourself what there is to see.
Kalklager (planned for 1.4 V)
- Immoment is the lime commercially available at the sugar factory
Milchwerk (Work in Progress)
Wool pallet collector (If immoment behind)
Mast systems (planned and also comes)
and much more ...
When now what appears in the version I can not say exactly now I am working at the V1.4 where I currently struggling with minor issues.
I opted for a conversion of the standard map to come back here in the mapping and its functions.
Later followed possibly an independent Map if I have the time for it.
I have this map can then prepared so that there the "Course play" without problems his ways depart.
For example Hackschnutzel sale there the trigger is very Course Play friendly;)
For the Map you need the following mods:
AnimationMapTrigger =
GülleMistKalk Mod =
Now I would wish me about and looking forward suggestions from you, as well as constructive criticism or bugs.
Big Thanks to all modders of which I have built objects
Marhu = mixing station & GMK Mod
Technology = shelters
El_Cid = sugar factory
mario Dieck = chips hall + conveyor belt
FSmodding = Assorted Goals
Icebear_Lars = Hoftankstelle
REL1981 = drive-through hall
max98 = wooden fence Set
Best regards
It is permitted to share the map using the original description and the GENUlNE Download Link
Marhu , Technik , El_Cid , mariodieck , FSmodding , Icebear_Lars , REL1981-
09 Aug 21:18Version 1.3
by arboCobra
ago over 9 years
by arboCobra
ago over 9 years
by arboCobra
ago over 9 years
by arboCobra
ago over 9 years
by arboCobra
ago over 9 years
checksum: | b72cfd4f658e2595dc0f155337002a4e |
Version: | 1.3 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Marhu |
price in shop: | 32499 LS |
name in shop: | Misch Station |
description in shop: |
Diese kleine platzierbare Anlage produziert Mischfutter für Kühe/Schafe.
Die 3 Vorratssilos müssen mit Stroh, Heu u. Silage befüllt werden, jedes hat eine Kapazität von 50t. Im Mischbehälter werden die einzelnen Sorten im Verhältnis 0,4/1/1 zu Futter gemixt. |
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