Lanz John Deere 710 BETA
What can the Lanz John Deere do?
- Tire selection
- Rims as well as chassis color choice
- Different equipment configuration
- Exhaust system configuration
- Fender Configuration
- Driver's Cab Configuration
- Front Loader Bracket Configuration
- Front Loader ( Klink as well as Industrial Loader Conversion )
- Side mower ( cutter bar )
- customized decals for Lanz John Deere and John Deere
- Model modifications in 3D program
Broadly speaking, it is a standard Giants model ,
Which was merely adapted to our wishes, 3D Techn. processed etc.
It is not a 100% brochure booklet realism After or conversion.
The only important thing is that one or the other has fun with the tractor .
What all belongs to the 710 he to it?
Tönsing front loader incl. Fl tools
Both bale forks ( industrial as well as Klink ) have an Attacher function
ESM side cutter bar ( with helper function )
and, of course, the 710 itself
The cutter bar as well as the front loader are adapted to the 710.
Important ! ! ! ! .: The cutter bar is lowered with the middle MAUSE BUTTON and raised after the blade guard is removed with button X
Giants Software ( base model 710s )
Butters Tuning Forge / BTS
Pfuscher - Garage, Bremi456, Hoffi
Front loader tools are from Kreters Island and from Bremi 456,
Deck model safe and pure insanity .
Releases available in each case ! ! !
The download link is only ORIGINAL if it is a NON Profit link at Workupload ! ! ! !
Idee / Konzept:
14 Jan 13:29Version BETA