Farmer Simulator 2011 Windows 7 Theme Pack Vers...

V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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This theme is for fans of L's exactly right. The default background (9 pieces) can also be through their own exchanges. The icon for "computer" was adapted and is also changeable.

you should replace the backgrounds and icons. You may setup and the actual theme file does not work or provide for download. If you want to distribute this pack that link to this page. Customize:

Them to be adjusted in order to open the following folder:

% windir% \ Globalization \ Mct \ MCT LS2011V2The pictures are

Ls20110X.jpg the background.

When replacing make sure that the new images of the same name as the old have. Otherwise, the theme does not.

Icons: mycomputer.ico, user.ico, control.ico, network.ico, trash.ico trash_full.ico and explain their function itself
already noticed the new icons of the same name as the old file. Otherwise, the theme does not.

pictures in the order. convert ico format used her best Format Factory (Free of fun wishes you



Bilder: Zum Teil eigene Screenshots zum Teil von anderen Spielern
Icons: Alle Icons sind von Windows
Soudschema: Windows Standard
Idee: wehmoeller96
Umsetzung: wehmoeller96

  • 02 Sep 08:59
    Version 2

02.09 2011
Modhoster user rating
2.09 / 11 Votes


nach 14 Stimmen

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V 2
Farming Simulator 2011
5.55 MB 2597
02. 09 2011 2,597

1 Comments for Farmer Simulator 2011 Windows 7 Theme Pack Version2

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  1. fabian12 16. 04 2012

    was ist da anderst
