lachie07's Castle Mod [UNSTABLE]

V 1.2.1 mod for Foundation

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Note: this mod is currently in early development, I just wanted to release it now as I find the lack of castles in the vanilla game disturbing. There will be future updates, including Keeps, Gates, Doors, Arrow Slits, & more!

This mod aims to introduce more castle parts to the game, so you can build your very own awesome-looking defence!

Credit goes out to the lads on the discord server for helping me out: Tolakram, vjraymon, wnZoid (even though he doesn't know it). Also thanks to the Simon Says tutorial found here.

To install:

IMPORTANT: The latest version of the game must have a new save. This new update WILL NOT WORK with old saves.

Manual install - method 1:

  1. Download from the link provided below
  2. Extract from .ZIP file into your mods folder located inside Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Foundation -> mods
  3. Load up Foundation, if you're creating a new world just select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod from the dropdown and select "Add", then click create, however if you're loading up a save game then you must click on your savefile -> Edit Mods -> select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod -> Load

Manual install - method 2:

  1. Download from the link provided below.
  2. Extract from .ZIP file into your mods folder located inside Documents -> Polymorph Games -> Foundation -> mods
  3. Load up Foundation, if you're creating a new world just select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod from the dropdown and select "Add", then click create, however if you're loading up a save game then you must click on your savefile -> Edit Mods -> select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod -> Load

Automatic install:

  1. Load up Foundation
  2. Then go into the Mods menu, select Browse Mods and find this mod inside the list there.
  3. It will now automatically install the mod for you (it may take a little bit of time)

If neither of these methods works, please comment down below and I will be able to sort it out.

Currently in-game:

  • Castle Tower
  • Large Castle Tower
  • Castle Wall
  • Large Castle Wall
  • Stone Gate


  • Doors
  • Arrow Slits
  • Keep


  • 14 Jul 04:53
    Version 1.2.1

    - 1.2.0 caused a weird crash whenever you opened the walls tab


10.06 2019
Modhoster user rating
3.0 / 53 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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Abonniere lachie07's Castle Mod [UNSTABLE]
Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Foundation installiert.
2.96 MB 8008

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