Note: this mod is currently in early development, I just wanted to release it now as I find the lack of castles in the vanilla game disturbing. There will be future updates, including Keeps, Gates, Doors, Arrow Slits, & more!
This mod aims to introduce more castle parts to the game, so you can build your very own awesome-looking defence!
Credit goes out to the lads on the discord server for helping me out: Tolakram, vjraymon, wnZoid (even though he doesn't know it). Also thanks to the Simon Says tutorial found here.
To install:
IMPORTANT: The latest version of the game must have a new save. This new update WILL NOT WORK with old saves.
Manual install - method 1:
- Download from the link provided below
- Extract from .ZIP file into your mods folder located inside Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Foundation -> mods
- Load up Foundation, if you're creating a new world just select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod from the dropdown and select "Add", then click create, however if you're loading up a save game then you must click on your savefile -> Edit Mods -> select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod -> Load
Manual install - method 2:
- Download from the link provided below.
- Extract from .ZIP file into your mods folder located inside Documents -> Polymorph Games -> Foundation -> mods
- Load up Foundation, if you're creating a new world just select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod from the dropdown and select "Add", then click create, however if you're loading up a save game then you must click on your savefile -> Edit Mods -> select "lachie07's Castle Parts" mod -> Load
Automatic install:
- Load up Foundation
- Then go into the Mods menu, select Browse Mods and find this mod inside the list there.
- It will now automatically install the mod for you (it may take a little bit of time)
If neither of these methods works, please comment down below and I will be able to sort it out.
Currently in-game:
- Castle Tower
- Large Castle Tower
- Castle Wall
- Large Castle Wall
- Stone Gate
- Doors
- Arrow Slits
- Keep
14 Jul 04:53Version 1.2.1
- 1.2.0 caused a weird crash whenever you opened the walls tab
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