featuredconsisting of the baler and wrapper werden.In coupled successively the press are entered all windrow types, additionally klee_windrow, grass_windrow and luzerne_windrow. Thus they can also pressing this must also be installed on the map that!
! Operations of each device note that no ball is trapped!
Mod has to be unpacked!
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Modell: bergwoud
Idee / Konzept: icke
13 Mar 18:38Version 1.0
by jerrico
ago about 9 years
by jerrico
ago about 9 years
by jerrico
ago about 9 years
by jerrico
ago about 9 years
by madmex
ago about 9 years
2 Comments for Kverneland green silage Package for square bales
Hopefully your team checks this. Just downloaded the bailer and there appears to be an issue with it. Unfortunately every time it reaches 100% it does not produce a bail. It makes the noise for it but no bail comes out. Tested by running this as my only mod in the game.
When running the frontsträngläggare and takes two strings do not have time bale wrapper with the press.
Would almost be better off with an unloading wagon between, plastic machine does not have to work themselves to death.
One farmer I was working a few years ago had a McHale 998, and we raised the tempo on the right for it to catch up with the press which was a New Holland BB940.