Here I have taken from me the KuhnSPVConfort12 and the load volume on (yes unrealistic but who it bothers needs is the mod not invite) 120k increased because it has always annoyed me personally that I had so many cucumbers in my 200Kühen with the little thing around until the feed trough full.
To all who now believe that is surely every selbermachen in 5 minutes:
No, there can be long, not everyone, because not everyone knows so well, for myself, it is also my first MOD and I for 1 hour hand until the mod überhauhpt times gefunzt and then again an hour until the log was error-free.
To all who find it useful. Have fun and have a nice holiday :) 2
Permission is granted to publish the mod on other sites but only with the original link
26 Dec 18:06Version 1.0.1
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