Krone Easy Collect 3053

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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this is my first mod for the LS15.
The Type 3053 is fictitious and hat no real role model.

This bit I have rebuilt from Giant, now it is about 16.8 meters wide.
The odd new Klapanimation, as well as the catchment animation has been adjusted.

Outside were no Colys installed for various reasons, thus the Häkseln works with Play Course also.

In a second version, I would like the whole embellish anything, but can you häkseln way.

Cost: 86,000 euros
Maintenance: 150 euro per day

The file simply slide into the mod folder and you're done.
Multiplayer should be compatible, but I have not tested.

wish Happy Häkseln, suggestions or requests I fully welcome.

You must spread the love part, but only with the original DL link and with my name as the builder.


Giant, FUSEL

  • 31 Aug 19:28
    Version 1.0

    - Black Beauty
    - schneller aufgeklappt

  • 30 Aug 16:01
    Version 1.0


checksum: 17e1db24e1c836618cf210be22414a9d
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: FUSEL
price in shop: 86000 LS
name in shop: Krone Easy Collect 3053 Black Beauty
description in shop:

30.08 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.32 / 25 Votes


nach 14 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
6.76 MB 5036
30. 08 2015 5,036
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
5.17 MB 12651
31. 08 2015 12,651

1 Comments for Krone Easy Collect 3053

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  1. flotruck 12. 12 2021

    sehr super mods !!! bitte in ls17 und ls19 konvertieren !!!!! mfg flotruck
