featuredFuel consumption adjustment | Fuel Adjust Advanced | FAA
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This mod installs itself into all motorized vehicles and takes over the entire fuel calculation.
This mod with any of the Hagenstedt Modified 2013 use , there
he is already integrated !
The original fuelAdjustV2 (by TwistedGA ) served as a kind of incentive and was initially edited by me only and expanded until I decided to make a completely separate scripts from it , so it works a little differently.
FAA takes all scripts which affect the fuel consumption from the work , and that without these must be changed!
It calculates the consumption also no longer (such as the original fuelAdjustV2 ) based on the speed but only after the speed , or at MoreRealistic based on engine load , thus an idle adjustment also has an effect on the idle consumption.
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Use of the mods in the game
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In the game nothing has to be set , this mod works independently.
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Features at a glance
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Fuel consumption is started at idle once the engine ( Recommendation: Use a Manual Ignition Script)
AI drivers (helper , Course Play) also consume fuel
increased fuel consumption as soon as it is turned on wheel
increased fuel consumption when Plfüge , cultivators seeders or lowered (ground contact ) are drawn (only while driving)
increased fuel consumption when seeders , balers, loading trailers, spreaders , in short: powered devices are powered on ( when devices are turned on )
increased fuel economy in threshing (once threshing / cutting unit is turned on)
increased fuel consumption when charge is drawn ( filled trailer ) , also supports such as: Dumper trucks , consumption depends on the level of the entire charge , also acts on 3 followers more than just a filled (only while driving)
Graphical display of the current consumption and the average consumption (stored in savegame )
Note: Other scripts which affect fuel consumption ( the original Giants - scripts) are completely undermined by the FAA as the original fuel consumption from the FAA is set to 0 . This was necessary to avoid an excessive consumption by the interacting of different scripts. However, it is still in the set of vehicle XML Kraftsoffverbrauch ( fuelUsage ) used as a basis for the calculation.
The display can be divided into several stages Hide the F1 key , the sequence looks like this :
Help window visible , Hud visible
Help window is not visible , Hud visible
Help window visible , Hud NOT visible
Help window NOT visible Hud NOT visible
again everything visible , starting from the front
Ursprungsidee: TwistedGA-
02 Feb 16:28Version 4.1.7 Standard MR
2 Comments for Fuel consumption adjustment
This mod is nice but unfortunatly it would be better it respect the fuel usage set up in the original mod. Because each machine we use is consuming 10 times more fuel with this mod. (For example, I used at least 400L of fuel to plough 4ha, It is a little bit too much...Too bad, I removed) Same story in the map "Hagenstedt Modified 2013".
Just to let you know that the alternative download link is for and not the fuel adjustment mod.