Kidd Farm Machinery manufacture farm machinery to a very high standard, and sell through a strong distribution base worldwide. For over 55 years we have been designing and building machinery for the agricultural machinery market as well as the automotive and municipal markets.
Bale Shredders 450 easily handles straw, haylage, clamp grass and maize silage. It’s compact but with surprising large capacity for 2 round bales up to 6ft diameter. Material can be directed to exactly where it is needed with less waste.
The is a reskin of the default Kuhn Primor 3570 bale shredder, so it keeps all the Giants original features.
* Added ability to load and feed hay and silage bales
* Reduced price to 16500 to reflect UK recommended retail price
* Daily upkeep reduced to 15 per day.
Original MOD - Giants.
Reskin - richie2306.
10 Sep 01:21Version 1.0
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