The 'Kallebach' map is inspired by the volcanic region of Vogelsberg in Hesse. This small single-player map also offers enjoyment for 2-3 old-timer fans in multiplayer.
WARNING: A new savegame is required.
- Added a cow barn with pasture to the main farm.
- Built a silage silo at the main farm.
- Replaced the pigsty with a decorative church.
- Moved the pigsty to the former cow barn location.
- Added the Bizon Pack as a required mod.
- Revised starting fleet and set new starting fields for a fresh gameplay experience.
The heart of the map is the idyllic village of Kallebach. Some sales and production points are difficult to reach due to narrow, winding streets, requiring good planning and suitable vehicles.
- Starting farm: Small arable farm with chickens, grain silo, and barn with bale and pallet storage.
- Cow barn with bale storage.
- Sheepfold/pasture with bale storage.
- Horse pasture.
- Pig barn.
- Barn with pallet storage.
- Garden.
- All farms and stables can be purchased and managed via farmland.
- The cow barn is prepared for the ManureSystem mod.
- The construction menu is based on Erlengrat but expanded (more trees and painting textures).
- The starting farm and cow area are integral parts of the map and cannot be demolished.
- The pig, horse, and sheep areas can be fully demolished, including decorations.
- Fields and forest areas are ideal for your own construction projects.
- Corner shop.
- Restaurant.
- Hotel and Inn.
- Agrar trade.
- Livestock trade with hay barn.
- Flour mill.
- Dairy.
- Bakery.
- Tailor shop 'Naturmode Mäh' (clothes made directly from wool).
- Sawmill.
- Production barn.
- Gas station.
- Water.
- 14 fields (0.34 ha to 2.1 ha).
- 7 meadows (0.5 ha to 1.5 ha).
- 6 forest areas (0.9 ha to 3.5 ha).
- Oldtimers.
- Youngtimers.
- Small modern machines.
- Tractors up to 150 HP.
Enjoy your time in Kallebach!
19 Nov 19:42Version
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
by Kaireck
ago 4 months
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