JohnDeere 6030 Pack Sound By LudmillaPower

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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The long weekend also includes a small sound update from your LudmillaPower! This time is the sound update for the John Deere 6030 pack of Bigfarmer, TomasT150

Link: ( )


These are the original sound of the

John Deere 6030 Premium Series


Have fun and have a nice long WE wish you LudmillaPower


Script: EDIT By LudmillaPower
Idee / Konzept: EDIT By LudmillaPower
Tester: EDIT By LudmillaPower
Sonstige: Sound Update By LudmillaPower

  • 01 Oct 19:41
    Version 1.1

    Fehler entfernt ( Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgrostar661_stop.wav'. )
    TEST OK!!

  • 01 Oct 14:49
    Version 1.0


01.10 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.78 / 18 Votes


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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 17
2.49 MB 6152
01. 10 2017 6,152
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
2.49 MB 1336
01. 10 2017 1,336

2 Comments for JohnDeere 6030 Pack Sound By LudmillaPower

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  1. reallogger 11. 10 2017

    Absolutely great work. I am having some issues to get the sounds to work nicely together with the gearbox mod by mogli. Have not made specific gearbox settings for the 6030 so only using default settings, but that does not sound good at all. Do you have any clue to why it is not compatible?

  2. lii 01. 10 2017

    Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgrostar661_stop.wav'.
    deutzAgrostar661: motorStopSound file="$data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT8320_stop.wav

    By the way: your sounds are a must have! We want more. ;)

    1 replies
