Hello, I present you my John Deere 6R (Medium frame) series with all FS19 standards and Simple IC animations (with sounds)
My mod has a new design, new features, new animations and configurations...
Mod features:
- All FS19 standards
- UDIM texture (washable/wearable)
- Simple IC animations (doors, windows, steering column, hood, warning signals)
- 3 engine versions (6135R,6145R,6155R)
- In-cabin pedal animation
- Cab and seat suspension
- Roof configuration (standard - panoramic)
- Door configuration (standard - panoramic)
- Animated joystick
- Transmission configuration
- Fender configuration
- Animated hydraulics
- Lighting configuration
- Deer on hood configuration
- Tire configuration (BKT, Michelin, Trelleborg, Mitas)
- Wheels configuration
- Sticker configuration (Novocommerce, Krone, Tiemann)
- Air drummer configuration
- Mirror configuration
- Warning sign configuration
- FL console configuration
- Animated indoor huds
- And many more features ..
Please keep only my original download link.
Modell:Dince, Tube Modding
Textur:Dince, Tube Modding
Script:Tube Modding
Idee / Konzept:Dince,Tube Modding
Tester:Tube Modding
Sonstige:Dince, Tube Modding
19 Nov 20:26Version 1.0
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