Je suis Charlie

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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This mod is in homage to the people killed in the attack gold charlie weekly in France . The French understand and hopefully others too . thank you not to remove this mod please .

I hope the author of this mod will be understanding. thank you in advance

Ce mod est en homage au gens tuer l'or de l'attentat de charlie hebdo en france. Les francais comprendrons et les autres aussi j'espère. merci de ne pas enlever ce mod s'il vous plait. j'espère que l'auteur de ce mod sera compréhensif. merci d'avance


Shakari and change in Razco

  • 11 Jan 15:03
    Version 1.0

    This mod is in homage to the people killed in the attack gold charlie weekly in France . The French understand and hopefully others too . thank you not to remove this mod please .

    I hope the author of this mod will be understanding. thank you in advance


checksum: 18d731b69f365386628f3bdf18661f30
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Shakari
price in shop: 160 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

11.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.56 / 85 Votes


nach 81 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
1.74 MB 1061
11. 01 2015 1,061

5 Comments for Je suis Charlie

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  1. John W 12. 01 2015

    schrecklichwas passiert ist Aber benötigen Sie den Spaß eines Spiels auch leiden?

    die Holländer, die auf Flug MH17 gestorben Ich habe keine Anzeichen gesehen.

    Politik und Terrorismus nicht in einem Spiel gehören

  2. Zitoun22 11. 01 2015

    I'm french and µI say thank To you for this mod

    R.I.P Charlie


  3. Warondar69 11. 01 2015

    For those against this, don't download it, pretty simple. 'Je suis Charlie' is the slogan for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. You can have your opinion if it's a good idea or not to release this for the game, since that your RIGHT, but it's also the right of others to release such a mod and for people to use it if they wish.
    Isn't grand? We can all throw our opinions out there be it for or against.
    Thanks for the mod.
    Je Suis Charlie.

  4. OptimaluS 11. 01 2015

    Super Razco, Modhoster is Charlie :)

  5. Spykey 11. 01 2015

    respect great mod and idea no matter who created it.
    i think the creator doesnt mind and only respects and likes if others download it and use it.

    R.I.P. to all who have died.
    Je suis Charlie
