JCB Fastrac 8310

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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gameplay ls 2011

  • 14 Apr 10:18
    Version 1.0


checksum: fd74b33ef25ea40c02aefa5310169b09
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: LS2011-Objects-Producers
price in shop: 384500 LS
name in shop: JcbFastrac8310
description in shop: Výkon motoru 310 hp // Pohon kol 4 WD
Velikost p?ední pneumatiky 540/65R38 // Velikost zadní pneumatiky 710/70R38
Maximální rychlost 70 km/h

14.04 2012
Modhoster user rating
3.38 / 72 Votes


nach 29 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2011
6.78 MB 38330
14. 04 2012 38,330

7 Comments for JCB Fastrac 8310

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  1. LS200-OP 15. 04 2012

    pres num 5 and speed is 70 Km/h !

  2. Kirk 14. 04 2012

    Das ist die Hochsauerlandmap

  3. hephep 14. 04 2012

    Okay good job modder , 1:1 would be nice, also better skin design inside, but i guess it will come soon.

    Great job, thanks for sharing.

    1 replies

  4. steere 14. 04 2012

    Also ich wär für ne V2

  5. LS200-OP 14. 04 2012

    se na tom zase n?jakej zmrd napakuje co ?uráci - k vaší sláv?!!!
    aspo? ste mohli nechta original link

  6. boer wie cool mein vatter will so eien kaufen doer nen großen fendt zum schweinefahren dl ich mir soford :D

  7. ClaAsdup1 14. 04 2012

    er siht gut aus ich lade in danke ;)
