-If you used the testing mod unsubscribe from it and please head to your local files where sandstorm is installed and delete folder '762899' inside of the Insurgency > Mods > modio folder. Otherwise it may cause issues.
-Not recommended to use with no restricted zones mod. (Why? See below!)
-There will be a few bugs.
Relive your favourite memories with this collection of Insurgency maps ported to sandstorm!
Market (NOTE - Few people reporting crashes on this map, will investigate)
Q: What is this mod?
This is a collection of ported maps from Insurgency 2014, to be playable in Insurgency: Sandstorm.
Q: How did you port the maps?
I used BSPsource to decompile the source maps which gave me the VMF files. I then used HammUEr to port the maps to Unreal Engine 4.25, from there I migrated the content to sandstorms editor and began work on getting them playable for Sandstorm.
Q: How many maps are there?
There are currently 7 maps,
Scenarios for each can be seen above. I also plan to add more scenarios to existing maps. Even if they didn't exist in source - like domination.
Q: My favourite source map (Insert map name here) isn't here, will you be adding it?
Yes! I can't say when I'll get around to adding your specific favourite, but I plan to add most...if not all maps from source to the collection.
Q: Why are some things not exactly like source?
This could be due to a multitude of reasons, There are many errors which crop up from from the porting process which leave some things not completely accurate to source. I also had to completely re-do the lighting as on first import it's very broken, but I tried to get as close to the original although this could always be altered/improved so I would love to hear your feedback! Naturally some things will also look different simply due to it being a different engine etc. Water on several maps was also switched to sandstorm materials as it looked a lot better.
Regarding Checkpoint objective layouts, These are mostly faithful to source with some slight alterations on certain maps. Checkpoint maps in source used an entirely separate map compared to the PVP version which usually had minor alterations. These were meant to funnel players in certain directions through the maps as the layouts often 'snaked around' due to source maps being a little small. I've decided to just use the base maps and achieve a similar effect using restricted zones (which is why I wouldn't recommend playing with no restricted zones mod as you may often run into enemy spawns/places you're not meant to be) just to make it easier on myself and keep things concise.
Checkpoint also played slightly differently in the regular Insurgency. For example, the final objective had no counter-attacks meaning on some some maps I had to alter the last objective slightly to allow room for these counter attack spots or in some cases I changed it so the second to last objective from source is now the final objective as it just made more sense overall.
Checkpoint wasn't available for all the maps listed here in Insurgency 2014 either but I wanted checkpoint players to experience them all. This means some maps (Panj, Peak, Station) will have layouts completely created by me. Let me know how they play! :)
Q: Will you release X separately?
Probably not unless highly requested. It's already been a pain in the ass to get it all working this far, and 1.4gb isn't that much to download for 7 awesome maps imo. Also, most of this space comes from the materials and models needed for the maps rather than the map files themselves although, it does includes unused things which I can, and have already started to filter out. As well as this, it contain materials and models which are used on currently un-included maps, so file size shouldn't increase too much when I add more maps if space is a concern for you.
Q: Will you add night scenarios?
Yes! Night scenarios on source maps were awesome, so I will definitely be adding night lighting.
Known Issues
- Some people are reporting crashes while playing on Market - I'm not 100% sure what is causing this, will have to investigate.
- There may be some gaps in the ground where displacements previously connected in source - side effect of the porting tool.
- There may be some props which are rotated in odd positions and potentially sticking through walls/other objects. This is another issue with the porting tool, but report any you find to me and I will fix them!
- Bots may get stuck in some places. Report these areas and I will fix.
- Some areas may be hard to navigate/ you can get stuck on things. Again, report these areas and I will smooth them out :)
- Some maps don't have soundscapes completely set up.
- Panj's overview is a little misaligned - will fix soon.
Me - Porting everything, getting it in game and working with a solid playable experience - A lot harder and more time consuming than it sounds!
DGL Dudes - Providing feedback on getting things accurate to source and bug reporting where necessary. :)
NWI - Creating the original maps.
Tom :)
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