Horsch SW3500S Pronto 6AS Maistro 8RC

V 6.0 MR mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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UPDATE: 09.08.2014 V6.0 MR SP



Here the old well-known Horsch Pronto Pack from LS09/11 . Over the years, the machine has suffered somewhat and is therefore offered as "Used" :)


This machine , with its two annexes AS and RC is the ideal solution for fast high-quality seed .



Functions V6:

- Helfert rdy

- Washable 2.5 hrs

- Lighting

- no-till

- Fuel cap and tank emptying in first-person view possible

- Tank emptying possible on Farmsilo

- Loading under the storage silos , bucket or ULW possible

Want possible with function switch through fruits loading on standard Saattrigger and whether to buy or remove it from the stock -

- From the "Device" sowing machine can lift front attachments and having to cycle through devices without lowering

- 2 different extensions AS and RC

- Multi Fruit : AS- wheat, barley, canola , alfalfa, clover , grass -RC - corn , beet , sunflower

- Field boundaries detection , even for Grass ( does not work on maps with Güllemistmod )




Keyboard layout:

- Key V     to lower sowing machine AS or RC to couple

- Key J     Couple the key J AS or RC -

- Key K     wheellanes

- Key  x     transport position

- Key M     Switch Fruit on Seedtrigger

- Key N      exchange between buy seed or from Silo

- Key  B     sowing machine and cultivator on / off

- Button comma,        marker arms left

- Key period .        Marker arms right

- Button slash -        marker arms transport position

- Key  Rshift key + period        marker arms automatic change

- Key J tank open     Egoperspektive the seed hopper

- Key J + rshift      tank empty Egoperspektive

- Press and hold button lshift      cultivator is disabled

- Key  O      You do not have the equipment Duch switch to eg a packer front dig on the tractor, but can raise / lower of the Pronto from the front linkage

- Key Empty the tank at the Q button Hofsilo



Technical Data Pack:

- Polys RC 81123 , AS 50121 , 34854 3500SW

- Polys RC 81123 , AS 50121 , 34854 3500SW

- Vertices RC 100286 , AS 68354 , 38268 3500SW

- Objects INT 61, AS 32, 3500SW 33

- VRam RC 5.7 , AS 3.11 , 3500SW 5.4

- Size Zip 14.78MB


- Rotating Plate

- Optimize Hydraulic Hoses

- ...


Known bugs V6:

- ...

- What do you still find


Here is the WIP thread about the Projetk :



Have fun with the V6 !



*** Changelog LS13 Upsidedown ***
- V5 Script LS13 + Steuerung überarbeitet + MP rdy
- V5 Animierte Stütze gefixt
- V5 Patch 2.0 / Server Scriptfix
- V5 Anbaugeräte nach laden abgehängt, gefixt
- V5 AS Scriptfix für Beleuchtung
- V6 Scriptfix
- V6 Script für Saatentnahme am Kauftrigger, Silo, Ülw oder Schaufel
- V6 Kompatibilität lua zu weiteren Mods
- V6 MR

*** Changelog LS13 Bullgore ***
- V5 Texturen überarbeitet
- V5 I3D überarbeitet
- V5 xml überarbeitet
- V5 Kippen behoben
- V5 Beleuchtung
- V5 Shop, Brand, Beschreibung
- V5 l10n Warnings gefixt
- V6 Fehlende Dirtkomponenten hinzugefügt
- V6 Räder Packer SW abgedunkelt
- V6 Fahrverhalten angepasst das Hydraulik am Schlepper nicht mehr zuckt
- V6 Saatplanen erstellt und angepasst
- V6 Grass, Klee, Luzerne hinzugefügt
- V6 Deichsel Attacher umgebaut
- V6 Gewicht angepasst

*** Changelog LS13 fin050808 ***
- V5Hydraulikschläuche

*** Changelog LS13 Eribus ***
- V6 Neue Dirttexur
- V6 Storebilder erneuert

LS09 / LS11
V1 LS09: Outlaw
V2 LS11: AlesK

V3 06/2012:

www.modhoster.de www.modhoster.com
washable, tuning, sounds, dirttextur, Store, usw. by bullgore
scripts und scripttuning mp by hummel
1:1 Carsten/Fin
www.modhoster.de www.modhoster.com

  • 09 Aug 01:34
    Version 6.0 MR

    More Realistic Singleplayer. MP Version für LS13 lohnt nicht mehr und ist zu aufwändig.

  • 10 Jan 23:40
    Version 6.0

    uezrujtref saewfgadfrgergadfvsafv g gf f r rgsgfdbdfab


checksum: 6833a3cb5e49558327d5651d66241819
Version: 6.0 MR
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Bullgore,Hummel,fin050808,Upsidedown,Outlaw,AlesK,
price in shop: 21000 LS
name in shop: MR Horsch SW3500 S Baujahr 2009
description in shop: Großvolumiger Säwagen mit Vorwerkzeugen und Dreipunkt-Anbaurahmen. Zweireihiges DiscSystem für perfekte Feinerdeproduktion bei hohen Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten.

Der Abstreifer zwischen den Packerreifen bringt entscheidende Vorteile bei Nässe, da er hohen Durchgang und damit eine gleichmäßige Rückverfestigung über die gesamte Arbeitsbreite ermöglicht.

Für LS13 konvertiert Bullgore and Upsidedown and Fin

10.01 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.52 / 106 Votes


nach 93 Stimmen

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V 6.0 MR
Farming Simulator 2013
15.5 MB 16717
09. 08 2014 16,717
V 6.0
Farming Simulator 2013
15.5 MB 42068
10. 01 2014 42,068

6 Comments for Horsch SW3500S Pronto 6AS Maistro 8RC

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  1. Nonnus 17. 08 2014

    the same problem here, i can´t disable the cultivator with lshift

  2. tobimobi 11. 08 2014

    What happened to the non mr version?

    1 replies

  3. Pac8850 16. 01 2014

    I can not change the seed thing -_-

    1 replies

  4. Joe`s farm dk 15. 01 2014

    hey so the only thing that is, you can seed the hole map using under 1000kg of seed, that is maybe too little or just not just right, but however it can load by normal seed trigger where you chose buy seed option, and silo fill works very well, just open the seeder first by standing at the side and press J so that it,the emty function works, more animation by roller that should be it, well still error free and gonna make any farmer look good in game when using this seeder. works with all mr mods in game, well in mine it does :) last thing THANKS FOR THIS MOD AND HAVE A NICE YEAR. br joe dk

  5. Joe`s farm dk 15. 01 2014

    Hey so this is it, it works perfect in my game, upload a pic for you to see with mr mods tractor and rest mr mods in this game just the map not a mr, but surly great seeder and no errors at all :) played for like 6 hr and thx for this mod really great. br joe dk

  6. Joe`s farm dk 13. 01 2014

    hi again a klasse mod and with more to it than other seeder, thx for sharing your work and i do not think it can be any closer to real life style playing, other than you get real paid when making money in game so on buuut it is a game and for this mod awesome :) br joe dk
