Hooklift pack trailer and implements

V 0.95 BETA mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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FMC official release


The hooklifttrailer ITS RS26 is for containers between 6 and 7.5 meter and a maximum weight of 26 tonnes container. It is controlled through the tractor's onboard electronics by remote control. The normal tipping angle is 45 degrees.

This trailer is custom built and it's different from the R26 ITS Because it has different hydraulic cylinders (multi-segment), Which Allows to tilt the table to about 90 ° for transporting silos

Keys z / x are used for containers;
Keys v / b for silos;
Shift + V lifts / lowers the 3rd axle wheels.

As soon as one function is used, the other is disabled until it's back in the starting position.
Ensure you always have the trailer selected to move the arm.


Known Issues


    • When wheels rotate slightly poor is moving / containers being loaded


  • Tip reference point moves forward when in MP, This Means you will have to reverse back Further to hit the trigger tip.


Agroliner ITS26

Model/Texture: Daniel11
Script/inGame: sven18koehler

FS13 modifications :
conversion : druptown (FMC)
Script : druptown (FMC), Gate (FMC)
animations : druptown, kaosknite (FMC)
BELV31 : Sven777b

Agroliner Container

Model/Texture: Daniel11
Script/inGame: sven18koehler

FS13 modifications :
conversion : druptown (FMC)
animations : druptown (FMC)

Agroliner Tube

Model/Texture: Daniel11
Script/inGame: sven18koehler

FS13 modifications :
conversion : druptown (FMC)
animations : druptown (FMC)

MTec Mobile Fertilizer Silo

Model/Texture: Kaosknite (FMC)
Script : sven18koehler
XML : Gate (FMC)

MTec Mobile Seed Silo

Model/Texture: Kaosknite/druptown (FMC)
Script : sven18koehler
XML : Gate (FMC)

  • 09 Jun 16:38
    Version 0.95 BETA


checksum: 1bb5ccf534d8902df2ef821cc6289e6e
Version: 0.95 BETA
multiplayer ready? no
price in shop: LS
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09.06 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.88 / 81 Votes


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V 0.95 BETA
Farming Simulator 2013
16.5 MB 75394
09. 06 2013 75,394