
V 15.0.3 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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- Everywhere tilt, the Heaptiptrigger can be created by harvesters, trailers, hackers and blades.
- For trailers with unloading and Continue automatically new Heaptiptrigger is created.
- Filltypes: wheat barley rape maize chaff dryGrass_windrow grass_windrow wheat_windrow barley_windrow manure silage fertilizer seeds potato sugarbeet woodchips
- Capacity: 48000L
- Removal with shovel or similar,
- When removing the vehicle braked (resistance) is
- Level indicator is displayed when player is in Trigger

Additional Filltypes per HeapTipTrigger Addon: Additional Filltypes for HeapTipTrigger

Mod Description:

By pressing [Left CTRL] then, the text appears in the help window.

The Heaptiptrigger is created using [Left CTRL] + [R].
For trailers with multiple Ablademöglichkeiten you can with [Left Ctrl] + [T]
change the position at which the HeapTipTrigger to be created.

When harvesting equipment is automatically unloaded. Appears the case of trailers
the Abkipp symbol and it can be quite normal unloaded with [Q].

Useful Mod (script) for the scoop:
BGA Shovel


Script: Heady

Publisher: PLANET-LS

Version: 15.0.2
Version Description: AA.BC
A: LS version
B: What's new, larger changes
C: Troubleshooting, small changes


- Bug and Error Fix

- Fix
corrected calculation of resistance when entering the pile with a shovel, sign, etc. -


I have worked for a few weeks in my spare time to convert the HeapTipTrigger after LS15 Compliant.

Therefore I would like is to decide on what hosting the mod uploaded.
When linking, therefore, uses the original link .
I ask for understanding and respect.


Script: Heady

  • 26 Jun 19:32
    Version 15.0.3

    - Bugfixes
    - kleine Verbesserungen
    - filltype forage und forage_mixing hinzugefügt

  • 19 Jan 17:54
    Version 15.0.2

    - Bugfix
    - Berechnung des Widerstandes beim Einfahren in den Haufen mit Schaufel, Schild, etc. korrigiert

  • 01 Nov 14:00
    Version 15.0.1


checksum: f770e02d49a525c5297755fb655b28a5
Version: 15.0.3
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Heady [PLANET-LS.de]
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

31.10 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.86 / 214 Votes


nach 225 Stimmen

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V 15.0.3
Farming Simulator 15
3.29 MB 32709
26. 06 2016 32,709
V 15.0.2
Farming Simulator 15
3.29 MB 26720
19. 01 2016 26,720
V 15.0.1
Farming Simulator 15
3.29 MB 27697
01. 11 2015 27,697

6 Comments for HeapTipTrigger

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  1. vasyanovi4 19. 01 2016

    1. Through a bunch of drives technology.
    2. If you type in a heap ladle and pour back on the pile, then all poured away.
    3. There is no information as to the heap (l.) When you sit in the art.
    4. fill up in a heap can not, you need to create a new trigger.
    5. Total Number of hard to find, you need to put in your mind, as many triggers.
    Plus, just one: convenient to use.
    Conclusion: The events about anything, for use in the game is not fit.
    At the moment, the best mod is Placeable Heaps V 1.1
    The author advises: the idea is good, but need to modify fashion and as a basis to take Placeable Heaps.

  2. electricgamez 19. 01 2016

    the download link is bad

  3. Wildflower 14. 01 2016


    I used this for storing manure, once i had around 10 heaps, i started to use for fertilize the field. When i used 1 heap, i stopped playing and saved the game. Today i open up the game and all my vehicles are gone :( heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!

    1 replies

  4. tobimobi 04. 11 2015

    I have a mod conflict. When I save and leave the game with heaps on the field. Next I load the savegame vehicles, silage, animals are gone. If anyone have an idea what causes this please let me know.

    2 replies

  5. skenzer2000 01. 11 2015

    Very nice update! It fixed all the issues with heaps not showing up properly, etc. Great work!!

  6. Barisch 01. 11 2015

    Moin na klar geht das mit dem ropa habe so gestern den ganzen tag gezockt endlich mal ein abkimod der auch für den ropa geht danke
