
V mod for Insurgency: Sandstorm

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Name change : previously customHP The mod modify max health for AI et player. Mainly for Checkpoint but may work in other gamemodes. Also added bleed damage and effect. Do not interfere with medic mod and ismc. 1. Add to Mods.txt and add mutator "healthMod" 2. Initial game.ini config: [/healthMod/Mutators/healthMod.healthMod_C] cHP=325 cHPAI=325 bleedLimit=5 dmgThreshold=20 R_dmg2Bleed=2 R_total2Bleed=4 3. Here's some variables info : cHP : player max health cHPAI : bot max health bleedLimit : min value for total bleed to remove bleed damage dmgThreshold : min damage to be counted as bleed R_dmg2Bleed : ratio of damage to be converted to bleed R_total2Bleed : ratio of total bleed to be applied as bleed damage at each tick (per 2s)



17.01 2022
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 1 Votes


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Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von Insurgency: Sandstorm installiert.

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