featuredVersion 1.0.1:
Bug fixed -> invisible hill at the big garage
Another Mod to build itself, now also with different materials.
Contains 3 halls for leave of equipment and vehicles.
UniversalProcessKit must also be in the mod folder.
As with my previous mods you have to re-create zoom construction material to build the building.
Since the buildings do not have the floor plate and the trigger will only appear if one comes close I asked a billboard to Trigger ... This will disappear after 5 game days. There is also a trigger for the Baufortschitt at the blackboard.
Limited progress / Day: The building can therefore no longer be completed immediately.
It is only 7:00 to 17:00 working on the construction site.
It can always be unloaded for the current construction progress only material.
Construction materials:
Chips or Wooden pallets = for all wood (as with the predecessor-Mods)
Barley = stone and concrete walls
Wheat = Other (eg metal and Fenterscheiben)
Yes, I know that no "building materials" are. but I also want players to standard Maps give you the opportunity to build the halls. Somebody should cement, sand or want to use other, one just needs everywhere "barley" or "wheat" is in the User Attributes enter his own fruit varieties. (Photo by Scenegraph I have here)
Building 1 (vehicles that are parked in this hall can not be selected with the Tab key while they are parked therein - Park Trigger installed):
Large building with doors and gates
Stein (delivery barley):
4000 wall
8000 wall
12000 wall and trigger for wood
Wood (delivery wood chips or wood pallets)
4000 wall
8000 wall
12000 wall and trigger for Others
16000 doors
20000 Goals
Others (delivery wheat)
6000 Roof and Park Trigger
12000 rear doors, windows
Building 2 = hall with small carport next:
Wood (delivery wood chips or wood pallets)
12000 walls
16000 canopy
20000 roof and trigger for Others
24000 carport
Others (delivery wheat)
4000 roof
Building 3 = shelter
Stein (delivery barley):
4000 wall and trigger for wood
Wood (delivery wood chips or wood pallets)
4000 Stayers
16000 walls and triggers for Others
Others (delivery wheat)
6000 roof part 1
10000 Roof Part 2
All buildings were building on the standard maps (but not accessible). I have worked with Blender, made accessible newly textured, disassembled and then made construction capable.
I have tested all the halls several times and it should work. Should you still get errors, or no progress reports to you.
Modell: slowtide63
Textur: slowtide63
Script: slowtide63
Idee / Konzept: slowtide63
Tester: slowtide63
29 Mar 23:05Version 1.0.1
- Fehler mit dem unsichtbaren Hügel bei der großen Halle gefixt
20 Mar 03:00Version 1.0
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by Slowtide63
ago almost 9 years
by FastRider12
ago almost 9 years
checksum: | 37fdcf96d8f53e11c59ba72649ccf8ed |
Version: | 1.0.1 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | slowtide63 |
price in shop: | 15000 LS |
name in shop: | Garage |
description in shop: |
1 Comments for Halls set for self-assembly
also this mod should be wonderful for Ls17....