Hagenstedt Deluxe Edition

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hagenstedt Deluxe Edition

Standard Fruits
Barley Maize Potato Sugarbeet Rape Wheat
Grapes Oat Sunflower
Production Mods
Apple Orange Pear Juice Oliva Oil Fuel
IceCream Beer Bread Cider Sugar Flour PopCorn Wine
Options in the Game
PotatoWasher mixing station Kompostier
Conditioning EggsPalletCage WaterMod WoolPalletCollector
ChoppedStraw Bga Cows Chickens Sheep
New Added
New Roads in the Map
Fields Changed a little bit for more confort
Pig and cattle fattening and Points of sell
Sawmill You can not sell the BoardPallet at the Port
Forest and Wood Point Sell Added
Added more objects in the Map
Well, I add somme piQup around the map now you have
A Possibility to look everywhere and Afterthat You sell
the vehicles and buy new machinery to start your career
You are no longer obliged to start the same way.Have Fun


TotalFarmer Bluebaby210 Joa Farmer_Andy Marhu Giants

  • 02 Jan 11:52
    Version 2.0

    Hagenstedt Deluxe Edition V2

    Standard Fruits
    Barley Maize Potato Rape SugarBeet wheat
    Grapes Oat Sunflower
    Production Mods
    Apfel Orange Oliva Birne Juice Oil Fuel
    IceCream Beer Bread Cider Sugar Flour PopCorn Wine
    PotatoWasher MischStation Kompostier
    Anlage EggsPalletCage WaterMod WoolPalletCollector
    ChoppedStraw Bga Cows Chickens Sheep
    New Roads in the Map
    Fields Changed a little bit for more confort
    SchweineMast and RinderMast and point of sell
    Saegewerk you can't sell the BoardPallet at the Port
    Forest and Wood point Sell Added
    Added more Objects in the Map
    DefaultVehicles to start your career
    MixFeeder Added
    Terrain editing and added Extended GasStation in you farm
    Added 3 Stations in the Map for storage of your grain
    Added Fuel point Sell and many more.Have fun

    Warning you need this to play the Map if you don't follow these steps the game don't save your career

    MapBuyableObject" downloadLink = "https://mod-portal.com/forum/filebase/index.php/Entry/621-Map-Buyable-Object-V3-3/"/>
    MixFeeder" downloadLink = "https://mod-portal.com/forum/filebase/index.php/Entry/622-Mix-Feeder-V1-0/"/>
    ZZZ_ChoppedStraw" downloadLink = "http://planet-ls.de/board/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=18956&pageNo=1"/>

  • 26 Dec 21:05
    Version Fixed

    Hagenstedt Deluxe Edition

    Standard Fruits
    Barley Maize Potato Rape SugarBeet wheat
    Grapes Oat Sunflower
    Production Mods
    Apfel Orange Oliva Birne Juice Oil Fuel
    IceCream Beer Bread Cider Sugar Flour PopCorn Wine
    Options in the Game
    PotatoWasher MischStation Kompostier
    Anlage EggsPalletCage WaterMod WoolPalletCollector
    ChoppedStraw Bga Cows Chickens Sheep
    New Added
    New Roads in the Map
    Fields Changed a little bit for more confort
    SchweineMast and RinderMast and point of sell
    Saegewerk you can't sell the BoardPallet at the Port
    Forest and Wood point Sell Added
    Added more Objects in the Map
    Well, I add somme piQup around the map now you have
    a possibility to look everywhere and after that you sell
    the Vehicles and buy new machinery to start your career
    you are no longer obliged to start the same way.Have Fun


26.12 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.14 / 22 Votes


nach 24 Stimmen

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V Fixed
Farming Simulator 15
672 MB 8542
26. 12 2015 8,542
V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
691 MB 2878
02. 01 2016 2,878

4 Comments for Hagenstedt Deluxe Edition

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  1. dennis53 17. 02 2016

    on your version 2.0 when I save a game it just keeps saving and saving and I have to stop game it never saves

  2. jocver 13. 01 2016

    can someone tell me how to harvest the grapes you've planted the seed drill.
    I tried everything and searched but can not find it.
    can anyone give me the solution here

  3. hawk67 02. 01 2016

    Is there going to be a store put in for storage of the production

  4. palpwh1962 27. 12 2015

    Still a good map to play on . cider production trigger not working, yet could not get apples to tip in . no mix feeder this time, but you should have a good time on it good job guys
