Just a fun gamemode to try different weaponry. Start with only cheapest pistols from survival loadout with better weapons, upgrades, and explosives given to players with kills and captures. Explosives are modified for higher damage and a mag grab crate that can be used as a respawn point. Points are gained per kill and on capture ticks and can be configured as well as how much points are required for weapons, upgrades, and explosives. By default the score is reset to the current tier weapon with no upgrades on death for Survival and reduced by one tier for checkpoint. This removes all random weapon crates in survival and resupply crates in checkpoint aside from those that players will plant. This is significantly harder in Survival.
- Spawns random improved weapons and upgrades for kills in real time
- Explosives have been modified for higher damage. Mine is throwable and triggered by infantry
- Resupply grenade will spawn a mag grab crate that can be used for ammunition and additional respawn point for Survival
- New carriers. Grenade gives you 7 grenade slots and secondary gives you 2 secondary slots. One will be replaced with the tier1 weapon.
- 7 tiers of weapons, with the first tier being improved secondaries.
- There is currently 1 tier of scopes that is all toggleable scopes and single scopes < 4x
- Character has a small speed boost of 1.3x and an initial health of 2x
- Any scavenged weapon will have upgrades added once primary weapons are unlocked in tier2, but will be replaced by the next tier weapon when unlocked
- Random weapon crates and resupply crates are disabled for survival/checkpoint. Only the mag grab crates that players can spawned are allowed
- Since there is no resupply allowed except through respawn, players will need to rely on magazines from mag grab crates and awarded weaponry.
Default configuration is below. You only need to change those that differ from what you want:
NewWeaponMsg="New Weapon Gained"
NewFragMsg="Explosive Gained"
Config Variable |
Description |
NumTiersReset | How many tiers of weapons to push player back on death in addition to losing upgrades. Default is 0 |
bResetPointsOnDeath | Is set to True, this will reset player points to StartingPoints on death. Default is false |
KillIncrement | How many points to award on bot kill. Default is 20 |
ProgressTickIncrement | How many points to award when on point capturing per tick. Default is 10. |
PointsForWeapon | How many points are required before giving next tier weapon. Default is 200 |
PointsForUpgrade | How many points are required before upgrading the current weapon. Default is 40 |
PointsForEquipment | How many points are required before giving player explosives, if slots are available. Default is 100 |
StartingPoints | How many points should player start with and be given on reset if bResetPointsOnDeath is set to True. Default is 100 |
MaxUpgrades | The max number of upgrades to make to a given item. Default is 4. |
NewWeaponMsg | Message to print to player when new weapon is given. |
NewFragMsg | Message to print to player when explosive is given. |
bEnableScorePrinting | If set to True this will print the players score to the text channel on every change. Default is False. |
Mag Grab Crate Config Variables |
Description |
bDisableRespawnCrate | If set to true, then the player will not be respawned at mag grab crates. Default is false |
MagGrabLimit | Maximum number of mag grab crates to allow to be spawned at a time. Once this is hit, the oldest will be destroyed. Default is 3. |
SpawnAtObjectiveTime | How long the players will be respawned at the last objective before spawning at crates. Default is 25.0 seconds. |
NumSpawnsBeforeRandom | How many spawns at the last placed crate before randomly picking a crate to respawn at. Default is 1. |
Bot Count |
Description |
bUseBotAdjustments | If set to True, then the below values will override the current settings set in Checkpoint or Survival. This allows for a unique bot count when using GunFrenzy in checkpoint or survival. Default is False. |
MinimumEnemies | Number of bot when in single player. |
MaximumEnemies | Number of bots when at max players. |
For respawns in Survival see Survival Wave Enabling.
For alternate bot spawning scheme for lower player count and round progress see Scale Survival
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