Graf's Toolbox v. beta
The links to the Web sites are now launched in its own window.
The callee website can then be called up by clicking on the name at the top, using your browser.
Purpose: The Toolbox does not save login details and passwords!
What's New:
In this chatbox you can you as a guest without registering Sign In
or a fixed username Register.
There are several rooms available for the outdoors.
Ip info
Weather Info
Football Info
The purpose of this tool is to facilitate the work on the PC something, you can probably start all the sites I've linked via their browser, but here you have more overview and thus finds its pages or information faster.
As a note:
I Accept no liability or responsibility for the contents of the individual portrayed web host.
I also understand that on some of the pages "stolen" mods, maps, scripts etc. to do.
However, I've got no influence on it and the sides
be so listed in any Suchmaschiene.
Pros: Simple tool for surfing and chatting for the desktop
in a compact form, as ToGo tool for the Road
to use the Internet to USB coffee.
Cons: Now and then script error on the pages surfed, but this is due to the hosting, but have no effect on the Next surfing or chatting.
If suggestions, comments, problems, criticism ....
is about this tool, please write me or Just leave a comment it would be very happy.
I wish you with the "new" Graf's Toolbox Enjoy
16 Apr 22:43Version beta
Die Aufgerufene Webseite kann dann per klick auf den Namen Oben, über deinen Browser Aufgerufen werden.
Zweck: Die Toolbox speichert keine Login Daten und Passwörter!Neuerungen:
In dieser Chatbox könnt ihr euch als Gast ohne Registrierung Anmelden,
oder Einen festen Benutzernamen Registrieren.
Es stehen mehrere Räume zur Freien Verfügung.Ip Info
Wetter Info
Fussball Info -
14 Apr 22:20Version 1.001 BETA
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
by Graf_d
ago almost 10 years
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