Goldcrest Valley XXL Hof

V GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V 4 Update mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Herewith I want to put my converted Goldcrest Valley Map available.

Maybe find someone like on this Map. Since some space lacking on most maps (the main yard or farm) to countless placeable mods accommodate, I've even dealt with it the court to increase slightly. The animals are housed in the yard.

I am a beginner .Habt mercy. Just try and leave a response. Would be very nice of you.

Wishes Enjoy all


Idee / Konzept: 

  • 08 Jul 18:44
    Version GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V 4 Update

    Änderungen liegt in Textform der Rar-Datei bei .

  • 03 Jul 20:02
    Version GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V4

    Neue Gebäude , Wirtschaftszweigen und vieles mehr

  • 19 Apr 17:42
    Version 3.1.1

    Bäume Pflanzen geht wieder


checksum: 9f29c919f72cde92822f0e991d031d84
Version: GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V 4 Update
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: webalizer
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

06.01 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.25 / 109 Votes


nach 99 Stimmen

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V GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V4
Farming Simulator 17
1.4 GB 9159
03. 07 2017 9,159
V GoldcrestValley XXL Farm V 4 Update
Farming Simulator 17
1.37 GB 2111
08. 07 2017 2,111
V 3.1.1
Farming Simulator 17
1.3 GB 3171
19. 04 2017 3,171

9 Comments for Goldcrest Valley XXL Hof

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  1. MC_Juergen 02. 01 2024

    Freut mich das meine Map immer noch gedownloadet wird. :-) Viel Spaß allen

  2. MC_Juergen 04. 02 2023

    Find ich einfach schön das sie immer noch gedownloadet wird. :-) Meine neuste Map im 22er ist die LS22_Grosses_Land_Grosses_Wasser_V_5. Viel Spaß mit dieser wie auch alle anderen Maps.

    Gruß MC Jürgen

  3. alfa city 12. 03 2018

    hey wie gehts dir gruss alfa

    1 replies

  4. alfa city 05. 02 2018

    wan kommt die neue gruss alfa

    1 replies

  5. Biker84 04. 07 2017

    Hallo das ist ja eine coole Karte leider meldet sie mir auf dem serva diese Fehler

    Space character not recommended in filename: 'maps/Gebaeude/DiscoV01/textures/Cocacola'
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'maps/Gebaeude/DiscoV01/textures/Ice Normal'
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'maps/Gebaeude/DiscoV01/textures/Ice'
    WAV audio file 'maps/Gebaeude/EierSvapo/sound/veselay.wav' is too big. Size 9.05 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    DDS texture file 'maps/Gebaeude/HeliLandePlatzGross/textures/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
    WAV audio file 'maps/Gebaeude/SA_Zuckerfabrik/sound/factory.wav' is too big. Size 9.20 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    I3D file 'maps/map01.i3d.shapes' is too big. Size 318.70 MB (max. 196.00 MB)
    WAV audio file 'maps/Objekte/FischerRuderBoot_Spline/sounds/HolzbootWasserMoeven.wav' is too big. Size 4.08 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    WAV audio file 'maps/Objekte/FischerRuderBoot_Spline/sounds/HolzbootWasserM?ven.wav' is too big. Size 4.08 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    WAV audio file 'maps/Objekte/Motoryachtandre/sounds/Campbell_1916.wav' is too big. Size 16.82 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'maps/Objekte/Motoryachtandre/textures/drink'
    WAV audio file 'maps/Objekte/NeueSounds/Schweinesound/sounds/PigAmbi.wav' is too big. Size 8.19 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    JPEG texture files not recommended. 1 found (max. 0)

    dummer weise kann ich nur da mit nix anfangen und weis nicht ob es schlimm ist

    2 replies

  6. gemmale604 18. 04 2017

    V 3.1 map at the toommarkt how do you open the gats so you can drive in and sell

    1 replies

  7. Fafachelm 05. 03 2017


    Where can I sell compost I can not find anything on the map.

    1 replies

  8. glen 01. 03 2017

    please change the grass back its very laggy and i have a a gaming computer

    1 replies

  9. LS09God 17. 02 2017

    Omg, who is the farmer trying to keep out? King Kong?
    Those yard doors are huge... lol
    Overall, cool map. Thanks for it....

    1 replies
