
V 1.1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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 WARNING: If you are updating from V1.0.0, you will need to start a new savegame for the changes to take effect.


Hello folks,

Today I give you all a mapping project that has taken me nearly two months to complete: Germantown.

This is a 4x map that is inspired by Bullgore and his MIG Map Region Celle from Farming Simulator 2013 and Farming Simulator 15. Only the field shapes, terrain, roads, hedges, and traffic splines are directly from his map, but everything else from the trees to the railroad to the starting fleet has been built and rebuilt from the ground up using the default assets from Goldcrest Valley.




When you start out on this map, you will be taking over a mid-sized operation that focuses mainly on hay, arable crops, sugar beets, and some biogas. You will start out owning 24 fields that puts you at around 90ha of owned land. Fields 5, 7, 23, 26, 28, 31, 32, 64, and 85 are planted in grass, fields 6, 119, 94, and 122 are planted in corn, fields 9, 10, 18, and 17 are planted in either wheat or barley, fields 8, 16, 24 are planted in sugar beets, and fields 11, 35, 59, and 83 are planted in canola. These fields are in various states of growth, with some ready to harvest.

Now, here is what you will find on Germantown:
- A 4x map with all of the crops of the vanilla game (meaning 4 times the size in area of a default map)
- 145 fields ranging from 0.33ha to 62ha, totaling roughly 820ha (a little over 2000 acres); vast amounts of forest/timber land
- 3 main farms with silos and plenty of space for placeables with sheep, pigs and cows at each; loads of extra flat spaces scattered throughout the map for placeables that are marked on the PDA
- Biodiesel plant built in using Fabrik Script; takes canola and produces fuel, forage, and digestate in a 40:40:20 ratio; fuel can be used in all vehicles, loaded into the fuel browsers, or sold to Schaible
- 12 sell points (including BGA, spinnery, biodiesel, etc.)
- Multiple silage silos, multiple silos that can be expanded (each are marked on PDA)
- Dynamic traffic system (speeds range from 30km/h to 60km/h)
- Seasons mod ready with custom seasonal temperatures built in
- A single rail line that circumnavigates the map with expanded train consist
- Gold nuggets

There are some mods that I would HIGHLY recommend if you decide to play this map by yourself and get anything done in a timely manner: Courseplay and/or AI Vehicle Extension. I would also recommend the Seasons Mod if you want a more realistic gameplay.

This is not the final version that I have planned. I do plan to produce a more versions that includes chopped straw, soil mod, extra crops, or any other extras in the future that catch my fancy, but that is for another time. :)




Please do not upload this map any other mod sites unless you use the original link only and preferably with my permission first. Thank you.




March 12, 2017


Changelog V1.1.0.0  WARNING: If you are updating from V1.0.0, you will need to start a new savegame for the changes to take effect.


- smoothed terrain in places


- reduced maximum traffic speed to 60km/h


- removed grass from roads, paved road edges, etc.


- fixed field edges to remove "You don't own this field" problem


- fixed road end traffic splines with better looking loops instead of visible high speed 180s


- fixed cow and chicken nav mesh so they won't be walking in the air or phasing throught the ground


- fixed animals freezing at the feed trough


- fixed various floating objects


- Fixed various trivial issues


- added trigger markers


- added silos to bakery (decorative only)


- added roads in between fields


- added garage and pressure washer when player starts new game


- moved store spawn back to vehicle shop in southern village


- moved floating egg


- changed a couple of names of sell points


- changed PDA map, including added town names and where things are (such as silos, silage pits, Biodiesel Plant, etc.)


- changed custom temperatures for colder winters and warmer summers (Seasons mod required to notice this change)


- changed ground texture of owned fields to match crop


- updated FabrikScript scripts (V2.1.7.1)


- removed laser beam from the forage silo at the Biodiesel Plant


- replaced original gate at Biodiesel Plant for Giants barrier, which now means you are no longer limited access to the Plant at night


- Fixed some floating trees, but still looking for any floating trees...




Changelog V1.0.0.0:


- intial release











- leifege640: map maker
- Bullgore: base map, field layouts, signs, roads, hedges, traffic splines, Sugar Beet plant
- augwl: biodiesel plant
- Marhu and kevin98: Fabrik Script (used in biodiesel plant)
- Giants Software: houses, barns, assets from FS17, FS15, and FS13, sounds from FS17, FS15, FS13, and SRS12, and of course the game itself :P
- Marhu: schweinemast buildings, cow and pig sounds
- teccer: farm sheds from his Farm Shed Pack
- SCS Software: for a couple of names of sell points

- JohnDeere318i and Dogface from the Giants Forum, and ccs101 from for helping me test this map


  • 13 Mar 08:26
    Version 1.1.0

    March 12, 2017
    Changelog V1.1.0.0
    - smoothed terrain in places
    - reduced maximum traffic speed to 60km/h
    - removed grass from roads, paved road edges, etc.
    - fixed field edges to remove "You don't own this field" problem
    - fixed road end traffic splines with better looking loops instead of visible high speed 180s
    - fixed cow and chicken nav mesh so they won't be walking in the air or phasing throught the ground
    - fixed animals freezing at the feed trough
    - fixed various floating objects
    - Fixed various trivial issues
    - added trigger markers
    - added silos to bakery (decorative only)
    - added roads in between fields
    - added garage and pressure washer when player starts new game
    - moved store spawn back to vehicle shop in southern village
    - moved floating egg
    - changed a couple of names of sell points
    - changed PDA map, including added town names and where things are (such as silos, silage pits, Biodiesel Plant, etc.)
    - changed custom temperatures for colder winters and warmer summers (Seasons mod required to notice this change)
    - changed ground texture of owned fields to match crop
    - updated FabrikScript scripts
    - removed laser beam from the forage silo at the Biodiesel Plant
    - replaced original gate at Biodiesel Plant for Giants barrier, which now means you are no longer limited access to the Plant at night
    - Fixed some floating trees, but still looking for any floating trees...

  • 08 Mar 16:13
    Version 1.0.0


checksum: 489bae149c84e4387423335b157d10b8
Version: 1.1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: leifege640
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Germantown
description in shop: Deutsche Stilkarte, inspiriert von der Arbeit von Bullgore und seiner MIG Map Region Celle.

07.03 2017
Modhoster user rating
3.52 / 27 Votes


nach 25 Stimmen

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V 1.1.0
Farming Simulator 17
510 MB 3859
13. 03 2017 3,859
V 1.0.0
Farming Simulator 17
503 MB 2434
08. 03 2017 2,434

4 Comments for Germantown

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  1. leifege640 02. 05 2018

    Hello all,

    The map is finally finished as of yesterday. I have uploaded to FS-UK first because they have a testing team that will find any bugs that me and a friend have missed. Once I get the results of the testing back and fix any issues I will then upload the map here onto Modhoster.

    Thank you all for your patience.

    Hallo alle,

    Die Karte ist endlich fertig als gestern. Ich habe zuerst nach FS-UK hochgeladen, weil sie ein Testteam haben, das alle Fehler findet, die ich und ein Freund übersehen haben. Sobald ich die Ergebnisse der Tests zurückbekommen habe und alle Probleme behoben habe, werde ich die Karte hier auf Modhoster hochladen.

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.


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  2. leifege640 08. 03 2018

    Hello all,

    I want to give a quick update to Germantown V2. I know it has been 4 months since I last said anything, but trust I have been very busy with the map. I have decided it is better to take the time to do the work well than it is to rush through the work and pay for it in lack of quality.

    Anyways, so far I have rebuilt about 75% of the map now. Things have changed so much that V2 might as well be a new map. Here are a few major things that have been done so far:
    - rebuilt all of the farms, especially the main farm
    - moved the cows to the main farm (pigs have stayed where they are, still close enough to the main farm)
    - rebuilt all sell points and towns with more detail
    - added some sell points: feedlot, brewery, vegetable warehouse, farm shop
    - rebuilt all fields (combining smaller fields into larger fields, squaring up some fields where possible for better AI use)
    - rebuilt entire railroad system (gentler grades and curves, added another storage elevator, detail)

    Here somethings that still need to be worked on:
    - rebuild all forests (want to have better tree species diversity, more ground clutter, detail, etc.)
    - rebuild traffic system (add better collisions to the cars, more routes, more parked cars)
    - pedestrian system
    - Seasons compatibility with custom weather GEO for warmer summers, snowier winters
    - three new crops: sugar cane, carrots, onions
    - new PDA map
    - food mixer for cows and pigs, composter, seed/fertilizer production

    I think I am confident that I will have this map wrapped up and released by April 15.

    Thanks for waiting this long. I know it has been a long wait, but I wanted to do this map properly this time around.


    Hallo alle,

    Ich möchte Germantown V2 ein kurzes Update geben. Ich weiß, dass es 4 Monate her ist, seit ich das letzte Mal etwas gesagt habe, aber vertraue darauf, dass ich sehr beschäftigt mit der Karte bin. Ich habe beschlossen, dass es besser ist, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, um die Arbeit gut zu machen, als sich durch die Arbeit zu beeilen und dafür mangelnde Qualität zu bezahlen.

    Wie auch immer, bisher habe ich jetzt ungefähr 75% der Karte wieder aufgebaut. Die Dinge haben sich so sehr verändert, dass V2 genauso gut eine neue Karte sein könnte. Hier sind einige wichtige Dinge, die bisher gemacht wurden:
    - baute alle Höfe wieder auf, vor allem die Hauptfarm
    - die Kühe auf den Haupthof gebracht (die Schweine sind dort geblieben, wo sie sind, immer noch nahe genug am Haupthof)
    - baute alle Verkaufspunkte und Städte mit mehr Details neu auf
    - Einige Verkaufspunkte hinzugefügt: Feedlot, Brauerei, Gemüselager, Hofladen
    - Alle Felder wurden neu erstellt (kleinere Felder werden zu größeren Feldern kombiniert, Felder werden für eine bessere KI-Nutzung nach Möglichkeit aufgereiht)
    - Umbau des gesamten Eisenbahnsystems (sanftere Steigungen und Kurven, zusätzlicher Lagerlift, Detail)

    Hier etwas, an dem noch gearbeitet werden muss:
    - alle Wälder wieder aufbauen (bessere Baumartenvielfalt, mehr Bodenechos, Detail, etc.)
    - Verkehrssystem wiederaufbauen (bessere Kollisionen mit den Autos, mehr Routen, mehr geparkte Autos)
    - Fußgänger-System
    - Jahreszeiten Kompatibilität mit benutzerdefinierten Wetter GEO für wärmere Sommer, schneereiche Winter
    - drei neue Kulturen: Zuckerrohr, Karotten, Zwiebeln
    - Neue PDA-Karte
    - Mixer für Kühe und Schweine, Komposter, Saatgut / Dünger

    Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass ich diese Karte bis zum 15. April fertigstellen und veröffentlichen werde.

    Danke, dass du so lange gewartet hast. Ich weiß, es war eine lange Wartezeit, aber ich wollte diese Karte diesmal richtig machen.



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  3. leifege640 15. 11 2017

    Hello folks. I want to let you know that I am back from a harvest run here in the United States and I am finally working on a version 2 of Germantown. This will be an extensive revision. I do not have a specific timeframe for completion. I will let you all know of my progress in the weeks to come.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Hallo Leute. Ich möchte Sie wissen lassen, dass ich von einer Ernte hier in den Vereinigten Staaten zurück bin, und ich arbeite gerade an einer Version 2 von Germantown. Dies wird eine umfangreiche Überarbeitung sein. Ich habe keinen bestimmten Zeitrahmen für die Fertigstellung. Ich werde euch alle über meine Fortschritte in den kommenden Wochen informieren.

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.


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    1 replies

  4. leifege640 15. 03 2017

    Ich habe jetzt eine Frage für alle über die nächsten Versionen dieser Karte. Was möchten Sie dieser Karte hinzugefügt? Die einzigen zwei Dinge, die ich nicht ändern werde, sind die Lage der Tierfarmen und die Formen / Größen der Felder. Anders als diese beiden Bedingungen, was sind Ihre Vorschläge, um diese Karte besser zu machen. Setzen Sie alle Ihre Antworten unter diesem Kommentar.

    I now have a question for everybody regarding the next versions of this map. What would you like added to this map? The only two things that I will not change are the location of the animal farms and the shapes/sizes of the fields. Other than these two conditions, what are your suggestions to make this map better. Put all of your answers under this comment.
