Gemeinde Rade RLSF-Edition

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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Welcome to the municipality of Rade, which we have rebuilt. We've changed a few things but still tried to keep the basic structure of the map.

In order to be able to use the green rye, Maize Plus should be used. It also works without. However, there is an error which is not bad
Changes version:
- Moddesc increased
- Exchanged soil map
- Added new plant textures
- Install green rye
- Fixed coli on meadow
- Fixed unevenness on meadow at the farm
- Turned the lantern on the church
- Removed the light on the CHP
- Fixed problems with missions
- Drive-through silos exchanged
- Objects in the village revised
- Animals script from the Bergmann farm installed
- Error coming at 0 o'clock fixed

Good evening dear community, today is the day.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for 10,000 members on our Discord.
For this reason, the Municipality of Rade RLSF Edition is now available for download.

What was changed on the map:
- More ground angle
- Newly built courtyards
- Landscape remodeled
- Road and sidewalk textures renewed
- Tunnel direction cattle trade removed
- New outlets and productions installed
- BGA newly built
- There are 4 pastures in the east of the map as in the 19er, which are compatible with AnimalGrazing
- A few fields that did not yet have farmland now have farmland
- Added launch vehicles
- Traders rebuilt and added DEKO vehicles
- Airplanes and hot air balloons added
- New PDA created
- Adjusted the light in the village at night
- Village revised with decoration
- RD (Rendsbrug) firmly installed as a license plate
- Installed wind turbines
- Stubble destruction and higher stubble density
- etc. To discover

Precision Farming (no customized soil map) and MaizePlus Ready
The game automatically loads the required mods in single player as soon as you start a saved game. In multiplayer, the mods that are needed have to be loaded onto the server yourself.
All mods are from the Modhub and have not been edited.
Please always use the original link to download.
Thank you very much for the help and the releases: Agrario , DerJogi, DeeBuur (Chris), Majo76/Zhool, DerMindener, VertexDezign
Now we wish you a lot of fun with the map, if problems arise you will get help on our Discord.
There will be updates to the map in due course, stay tuned.
Your RLSF modding team


RLSF-Modding, Agrario , DerJogi, DeeBuur (Chris), Majo76/Zhool, DerMindener, VertexDezign


- Deebur

- Agrario

- Majo76/Zhool

- Bumsnudel93

- AgrarModding

- FarmerAndy

- Paradeus

- DerMindener

- DerJogi

- TakerLS

- FarmingDude97

- AgrarRPMZ

- VF.Swabia

  • 09 Mar 11:19


09.03 2023
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 1 Votes


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Farming Simulator 22
621 MB 959
09. 03 2023 959

2 Comments for Gemeinde Rade RLSF-Edition

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  1. totofarmer 10. 03 2023

    Hallo Zusammen, in freudiger Erwartung habe ich die neue Version der Rade-Map heruntergeladen, beim Starten der Map jedoch kam die Meldung, dass ein Mod fehlt, nämlich:
    Einfach mal im Internet gesucht und gefunden. Auch wenn der gefundene Mod so heißt wie gefordert, ändert sich der Name des Mods nach dem herunterladen in: Das wird nicht erkannt und somit startet die Map auch nicht, wie mein Vorredner "Funnix" schon angemerkt hat. Was also ist zu tun? Jemand eine Lösung bitte?
    LG Thorsten

  2. Funnix 09. 03 2023

    Link von Fahrsilo Bitte . Map funktioniert nicht ohne Fahrsilo.
