featuredWelcome to Gamsberg.
This map is fictitious. There are no productions installed. I think mitlerweile there are enough placeable mods. The mods that are necessary for this map are fixed, meaning you do not have to download them.
There is a predefined yard (H1). All objects on this farm, however, are sellable and thus you can make your own yard ( highly recommended or necessary is the Mod PlaceAnywhere !). Furthermore, there is an empty space (H2) where a second yard or whatever can be created.
There are 30 fields from small to large (exact size see below), some fertilizable meadows which are marked with "H" and can therefore also be managed eg with Courseplay. There is generally enough grassland for grassland work, even for those who want to try the hillside.
Who wants to take root in the forestry finds on the map many beautiful forest areas with many trees :) wood chips can be sold at the sawmill. Logs also at the sawmill and at the harbor.
Wassertirgger are the wells which are installed in H1 and H2.
The highlight of the map is I think a beautiful landscape, large waterfalls and the field 1 in the mountains which is also by far the largest. This field can be reached via a paved road and alternatively via the forest road in the north of the map.
Otherwise, look at the map and decide for yourself.
I am open to problem reports and I am grateful for your feedback.
Field dimensions:
Field 1 (field01): 20,517 ha
Field 2 (field02): 1,935 ha
Field 3 (field03): 1,891 ha
Field 4 (field04): 2,515 ha
Field 5 (field05): 2,703 ha
Field 6 (field06): 4,422 ha
Field 7 (field07): 4,170 ha
Field 8 (field08): 4,416 ha
Field 9 (field09): 5,938 ha
Field 10 (field 10): 2,587 ha
Field 11 (field11): 1,583 ha
Field 12 (field12): 3,754 ha
Field 13 (field13): 4,162 ha
Field 14 (field14): 1,839 ha
Field 15 (field15): 1,865 ha
Field 16 (field16): 2,786 ha
Field 17 (field 17): 2,766 ha
Field 18 (field18): 2.458 ha
Field 19 (field19): 1,127 ha
Field 20 (field20): 0.800 ha
Field 21 (field21): 0.486 ha
Field 22 (field22): 0.855 ha
Field 23 (field23): 2,422 ha
Field 24 (field24): 4,460 ha
Field 25 (field 25): 1,480 ha
Field 26 (field26): 2,821 ha
Field 27 (field27): 2,031 ha
Field 28 (field28): 3,650 ha
Field 29 (field29): 1,796 ha
Field 30 (field30): 2,186 ha
Only use original link! Thank you
Have fun with the map .... and please be lenient with me;)
Your Chris
Modell: Chris_30
Idee / Konzept:
Sonstige: ...siehe Modbeschreibung
08 Aug 21:31Version 1.3 Seasons
Problem beim fällen der VolumeTrees gefixt
Seasons Mask hinzugefügt -
13 Jul 14:49Version 1.2
Trigger Wolleverkauf gefixt
Einige Büsche entfernt damit Felder besser verbunden werden können.
Startfahrzeug Drescher welcher ein falsches Schneidwerk hatte gefixt (Upgrade ;))Neues Savegame erforderlich!
07 Jul 16:15Version 1.1
Hab nochmals die Farmlands in den Preisen angepasst. Die Fläche des Händlers kann jetzt auch gekauft werden.
Beim Verändern der Landschaft wird jetzt bei den Layern Gras auch tatsächlich Gras hinzugefügt. -
06 Jul 00:57Version 1.0
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
by Chris_30
ago over 5 years
1 Comments for Gamsberg
Die Map ist spitze. Nur habe ich neuerdings das Problem, das der Straßenverkehr plötzlich irgendwo anhält, sich sogar beim Abbiegen selbst im Weg ist und nichts mehr geht. Man kann nur den Verkehr abschalten, speichern und wieder einschalten.
Falls jemand eine Lösung weiß. Ich nutze die Version 1.2.