First person legs are finally here in Insurgency! Now with all animations!
I'd very much like to credit Kiwi, along with other members of ISMC, and another very talented individual, know who you are!, wouldn't have been able to get it working without you :)
SHADOWS - Shadows have been causing issues for a few people, so they have been set to a secondary file. If you’d like to download, you can manually download them; it’s download filedata4.
When you start a map, start the FpLegs Mutator, or have a server owner add it to their mutators. (Eg: Open tell?scenario=Scenario_tell_Checkpoint_Security?lighting=day?Bbots=6?mutators=FpLegs)
-Will not display new cosmetics from the ISMC project bindford, but you can use ISMC mod for the weaponry - I believe it’ll display the vanilla clothing you have
-Vehicle fix coming soon
eg:Open TORO?scenario=Scenario_TORO_Checkpoint_Security?lighting=day?Bbots=6?mutators=ismcarmory_legacy,MOREAMMO,JumpShoot,NoRestrictedArea,FpLegs
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