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Fm @ x_coow complex possesses.
* breeding cows
* Sale of manure
* liquidmanure
* selling bales of hay and grass
* a place for storing silage
* place to save the grass
/ all works /
The farm still.
* Fuel tank
* seed
* water tank
* Sound effects of machine and animal
/ all works /
Everything works great except for automatic roller doors that are on the button
Comfortable and fun to play you Fm @ x Creative Design
The extension of the farm is planned to continue with the fence for the cows, if desired ...
Design Creative : FmxTextures: Fmx
Converting: Fmx
Modeling: Fmx,by venom,by farmercal96,by devil revenge,swiftspeedstar, used original parts models and models with moderator ls-uk and ls-mods.
20 Feb 18:33Version 1.1
20.02 2012
noch nicht genug Stimmen
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20. 02 2012
2 Comments for Fm x coow complex
This mod is actually very good. It contains all things of a farm in one point - I like this.
But there are many bugs and errors in the log, such as 'static actor moved' or 'scaling is not allowed for kinematic or dynamic objects' and so on....
I hope you'll take a second version of this mod without any errors.
In spite of all this - an excellent mod.
This my cows complex is made with a view to placing an object / complex / on your map at the same time resolve all issues with cows, milk, grass, silage, fertilizer and other things related to farm coow.Rapidly time to build a place to farm cows all individually placed one by jedno.It below to post your own farm fence for cows according to your wishes and as if to put it all on the original site of the cows are all to work, so at least I tried it and if not so then the output of cows set the folder that appears in your fence krava.Nepotpuno is tested and works and you try to rest ... and enjoy a nice game ...