Hello everyone!
I am sharing this small prefab with you, which features functional LED flashlights for FS25!
Note: Please provide credit if you use this prefab in your published mods.
Installation Instructions:
1. Copy and paste the "rotating light" folder into your mods folder.
2. Place your transform group where you want to install the flash.
Tip: Import the LEDs, position them, and then delete the container from the "Beacon" transform group.
3. Reference this in the XML of your vehicle by adding the following code within the large <lights> tag:
<beaconLight node="***" filename="beacon/beacon.xml" variationName="BLINK"/>
Replace the stars (***):
Use the node of your transform group "Beacon".
Important: Don't forget to store your "Beacon" transform group! :)
I hope you like it! Feel free to share your feedback in the comments, whether positive or negative!
KaymaraGIANTS Software
23 Nov 16:23Version
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