A collection of mutators that change fire support for Coop modes.
To use this mod, add the mod id to your Mods.txt file and then add one of the following mutators (they are NOT compatible with each other, nor with any other mutator that changes fire support).
DisableSmokeArtillery - disables smoke artillery and mortars for both players and bots. I haven't tested whether they work with bot counter attack fire support.
DoubleFireSupport - doubles fire support for the human team.
DisableSmokeAndDoubleFireSupport - disables smoke artillery and mortars for both players and bots, and doubles the rest of the fire support options for humans.
DisableSmokeArtilleryBots - disables smoke artillery, only for bots
DisableSmokeArtilleryHumans - disables smoke artillery, only for humans
QuadrupleFireSupport - quadruples fire support for the human team.
MoreExplosiveArtillery - 10 explosive artillery/mortars uses for the human team
InfiniteExplosiveArtillery - gives the human team infinite explosive artillery and mortars.
InfiniteArtillery - gives the human team infinite artillery and mortars of all types.
InfiniteFireSupportExceptChopper - gives the human team infinite fire support, except helicopters.
InfiniteFireSupport - gives the human team infinite fire support of all types.
No Round Start Cooldown mutators:
DisableSmokeArtillery_NC, DoubleFireSupport_NC, InfiniteFireSupport_NC, DisableSmokeAndDoubleFireSupport_NC
Note: only intended for coop because these mutators will always assume the attacker as the human team and the defender as the bot team. Also, it uses the coop fire support numbers instead of the PVP one.
15 Jul 05:05Version 0.3.0
Can't believe I forgot to update this
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