Expanded Theaters and Gameplay Mutators.
This mod has 15 mutators that can be used to expand the amount of theaters, factions and gameplay options in Sandstorm. They are now updated and re-packed for 1.7/UE 4.23
NEW! : PMC/SPECOPS Factions Theaters with new factions PMC (Insurgents but with military-style bot cosmetics example in latest screenshot), and SPECOPS (Security but with special forces style bot-cosmetics)
Note: This mod is mostly meant to be used in my private server (but you can give it a spin on yours too), so there might be some sudden changes here and there, but I'll keep the mod/documentation as updated as possible.
New factions (based on SEC with bot cosmetics) : BLUFOR (POLYPAT with western BDUs and PASGT helmets) and OPFOR (Tan+CROPAT with "Gorka" suits and Turtleshell helmets). These factions have all equipment available to each class for both INS and SEC, but the default bot loadouts are still inspired on the original loadouts (western equipment for BLUFOR, eastern equipment for OPFOR). Both factions have SEC fire support. PMC (Tan and Dark Green uniforms, some bots have turtleshell helmets) with INS firesupport and military-style animations. SPECOPS (POLYPAT uniforms, MICH2000 Helmets) with SEC firesupport.
New theater variations: SEC v SEC (no bot cosmetics, stock loadouts/equipment options), INS v INS (no bot cosmetics, stock loadouts/equipment options)
New squad variations: Chaotic: Everyone is an "Operator" (a Fragger with all equipment unlocked, and radio/binocs so they can call fire support on their own). Class-Based: Overrides TDM loadouts with the class-based ones from Push/Coop
All factions renamed to BLUFOR/OPFOR for consistency in the server.
Some gameplay mutators that are used occasionally on the server for testing or casual chill gameplay days.
Mutator List:
- MilitaryFactions : BLUFOR vs OPFOR Theater/Factions.
- CHMilitaryFactions: BLUFOR vs OPFOR (Chaotic/All Operators)
- CBMilitaryFactions: BLUFOR vs OPFOR (Class-based PVP)
- PMCFactions: SPECOPS vs PMC Theater/Factions.
- CHPMCFactions: SPECOPS vs PMC (Chaotic/All Operators)
- CBPMCFactions: SPECOPS vs PMC (Class-based PVP)
- INSvINS: INS v INS Theater
- CHINSvINS : INS v INS (Chaotic/All Operators)
- CBINSvINS: INS v INS (Class-based PVP)
- SECvSEC: SEC v SEC Theater
- CHSECvSEC: SEC v SEC (Chaotic/All Operators)
- CBSECvSEC : SEC v SEC (Class-based PVP)
- ClassicFactions: Stock SEC v INS but with renamed factions.
- CHClassicFactions: SEC v INS (Chaotic/All Operators)
- CBClassicFactions: SEC v INS (Class-based PVP)
- FixedJumpAim: Fixed Aim + Jump Aim/Shoot
- CasualHealth: 125% health and 3.5x headshot multiplier.
- FasterMovement: +10% movement speed overall.
Any of the theater based mutators won't work with other mutators that use theaters/factions/custom classes. (Tactical theaters/bots for example)
Big thanks to Circleus from the Sandstorm Modding Discord for helping me figure out how to make cosmetic changes to bots and testing with the incompatible mutators.
15 Jul 05:02Version 1.0
Added elite counter attacks to BLUFOR/OPFOR
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