On user request an excel for the Neubrunn Map.
With this little excel table you have the opportunity to calculate the yield of a field before the harvest and through
Enter the current price to calculate the proceeds.
There is also the possibility to calculate the shredded material yield (yes / no in the column "shredded material").
You select the correct fruit in the column Crop, then the yield appears in the column Yield. In further columns you can choose whether the field has been plowed, fertilized (1x or 2x), limed and weed-cleaned.
In the Price column, the current price from the price overview is entered manually and under Revenue, the € amount corresponding to the sales price appears.
Have fun with it.
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Kind regards
Idee / Konzept: Trent
Tester: Trent
22 May 21:24Version 1.0
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