Yield calculator for NF Marsch cards from FED A...

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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This mod is for all those NF march of FED action play.

With this calculation you can look whether it is worth to produce certain things or better to sell them directly.

Grade now with the Global market the whole thing is very practical.


Explanatory video:https://youtu.be/xxgF_jmMWBY

A small example

You have bought the flour production, but have no more grain. Then you look at the Global mark what there is just so there is then, for example, barley for 600.00€ per 1000L offered This you enter into the price entry mask so 600.00 the .00 at the end is important.

Then you look at what you bring empty pallets just in the direct sale example 1020,00€ Per 1000L. The price for empty pallets you enter then also.

And to good last you look what you Grade for 1000L flour is offered for example 1650,00€ because price you enter then also.

are the prices entered you click on Transfer and then on Cancel to close the window.

Now open the profit calculation searches the flour production out and enters the amount of grain that you want to buy / can Example 100000L.

The calculator then calculates how many L empty pallet are needed and how many L flour come out with the associated prices.

Currently it is so that the calculator only runs with EXCEL version from 2010 in the 64Bit version.

I am happy to answer questions

Mod may not be offered for download on other sites.



Script: Marcel F. & Micha H.
Idee / Konzept: Marcel F. & Micha H.

  • 03 Jan 16:04
    Version 2.0


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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 19
3.09 MB 477
03. 01 2021 477

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