V 2.2 color mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello friends Farming Simulator,

Meet my harrow, EMY SPC600. A model for tractors of high-end, but very practical and robust.

The properties of the original model are:

  • Working width: cm. 601;
  • Working depth: cm. 30;
  • Number of blades: 24;
  • Weight with cage roller 2650 kg;
  • Power supply: 140 to 221 KW.


• Width 6.0 meters. ;

• curb weight 2650 kg. ;

• Fully animated;

• Washable;

• Control of working depth.



Credits: Ago-modding

Thanks to my team (Team Modhoster) Especially in meyer123 and fin050808 for testing ...

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Licenza Creative Commons
EMY Elenfer SPC600 v.2.0 by Ago-modding is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-NoDerivatives 4.0 License internazionale .
Based on a work at https://www.facebook.com/ago.systemtech .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license 'may be available at https://www.facebook.com/ago.systemtech



  • 30 Apr 16:34
    Version 2.2 color

    Added the ability to choose the color ..

  • 26 Apr 19:55
    Version 2.1

    - Improved setting;
    - Is activated only in operating mode; Fix made by wives, Thank you my friend!
    - In Hired mode is on and turn off automatically;
    - New animations, even locking cylinder;
    - Animated hydraulic hoses (skinned meshes);
    - Hydraulic hoses with HydraulicCoupling script, Xentro thank you for your help!
    - Pto animated and connected by hand, used the joxxer script (BJR_AttacablePTO);
    - PTO of the rotor, animated;
    - New dirty color.

    Please use only on tractors above 250 HP!

  • 21 Jan 15:30
    Version 2.0

    1 Fixed cylinder rear right rotor.

    2 Fixed the activation of the rear rotors when working.

    3 Increased working speed to 10 km / h.


20.01 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.55 / 133 Votes


nach 111 Stimmen

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V 2.2 color
Farming Simulator 15
15.7 MB 10103
30. 04 2016 10,103
V 2.1
Farming Simulator 15
15.7 MB 5190
26. 04 2016 5,190
V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
10.7 MB 25661
21. 01 2015 25,661

13 Comments for EMY ELENFER SCP600

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  1. Phantoms 01. 10 2016

    Very good job on the Cultivator. Been using it all day and love it.

  2. adigeahmet 11. 05 2016

    ? need that john dreere please some body give me link

    1 replies

  3. I personally don´t need the possibility of choosing the color (I need the John Deere;)), but thank you anyway :)

  4. Mythic 27. 04 2016

    thank you Ago for this awesome update of the EMY.
    hoses work great ,cant wait for an update of the fendt 700 serie's pack so the hoses work with them to.


  5. Sythos 27. 04 2016

    Great mod, I've got only few issues on PTO on dedi server (work fine in local game)

  6. unregistered user 27. 04 2016

    Great mod once again.

  7. Thank you for the Update ago.

  8. Pizzaro 26. 04 2016

    Hi Ago, one problem with your mod is : You cant turn the emy on , if you have ManualAttaching cause it does not know that the PTO from the harrow is attatched. Hope you understud my bad english :D

    1 replies

  9. dani-s 26. 04 2016

    i dont know whaz is what

    v. 3.0 is the old version ????
    v. 2.1 is the new version ???

    in moddesc is version 2.0

    2 replies

    1. Appaloosa 26. 04 2016

      version 2.1 is right. Modhoster was not enough fast

    2. ago-systemtech Modhoster Team 26. 04 2016

      2.1 is right, in moddesc version 2.1!

  10. Bauernbua*7 26. 04 2016

    Thank you very much :)

    assolutamente incredibile :)

    1 replies

  11. JDisgod 22. 04 2016

    it does not show up in game.

  12. ShermyPermy 20. 01 2015

    Hi ago,

    love the mod looks epic.

    just missing the small hydrolik arm on the right hand side off the cultivator.(copy/paste Job from the left)

    also the rear roller rotates when you are driving with it in the raised position (lua script callback on different node??)

    i have found no other problems with it.

  13. OEB_Modding 20. 01 2015

    looks nice very good dirt script, but 2 issues I have noticed, right ram missing that links the right roller to the main body, second is the rollers turn when it is unfolded but it's in raised position
