thank you Ago for this awesome update of the EMY.
hoses work great ,cant wait for an update of the fendt 700 serie's pack so the hoses work with them to.
Hi Ago, one problem with your mod is : You cant turn the emy on , if you have ManualAttaching cause it does not know that the PTO from the harrow is attatched. Hope you understud my bad english :D
Wenn man den Mod ManualAttaching drin hat funktioniert die Egge nicht mehr, weil du die Zapfwelle vom ManualAttaching Mod nicht mehr dran machen kannst. Das wäre nett wenn man das irgendwie fixen könnte. Würde ungern den Mod rausnehmen.
looks nice very good dirt script, but 2 issues I have noticed, right ram missing that links the right roller to the main body, second is the rollers turn when it is unfolded but it's in raised position
13 Comments for EMY ELENFER SCP600
Very good job on the Cultivator. Been using it all day and love it.
? need that john dreere please some body give me link
I personally don´t need the possibility of choosing the color (I need the John Deere;)), but thank you anyway :)
thank you Ago for this awesome update of the EMY.
hoses work great ,cant wait for an update of the fendt 700 serie's pack so the hoses work with them to.
Great mod, I've got only few issues on PTO on dedi server (work fine in local game)
Great mod once again.
Thank you for the Update ago.
Hi Ago, one problem with your mod is : You cant turn the emy on , if you have ManualAttaching cause it does not know that the PTO from the harrow is attatched. Hope you understud my bad english :D
i dont know whaz is what
v. 3.0 is the old version ????
v. 2.1 is the new version ???
in moddesc is version 2.0
version 2.1 is right. Modhoster was not enough fast
2.1 is right, in moddesc version 2.1!
Thank you very much :)
assolutamente incredibile :)
it does not show up in game.
Hi ago,
love the mod looks epic.
just missing the small hydrolik arm on the right hand side off the cultivator.(copy/paste Job from the left)
also the rear roller rotates when you are driving with it in the raised position (lua script callback on different node??)
i have found no other problems with it.
looks nice very good dirt script, but 2 issues I have noticed, right ram missing that links the right roller to the main body, second is the rollers turn when it is unfolded but it's in raised position