Hello everyone! So after a long process and a ton of hours, I am so happy to present to you “Elk Mountain Wyoming” for FS22! It's a 4x map and at the moment only for PC. It is a large river valley with mountains on one side and on the other side large open high plains. This map gives you the opportunity to do just about anything that FS22 has to offer. From farming in the river valley and the high plains, logging in the densely forested mountains and mining across the map. It has 10 predetermined fields. Custom environment and a custom crop calendar. I love the Elm Creek barns except for the fact that you can’t go in them so I’ve taken some of them into blender and I’ve given them interiors and working doors. There are two files that you have to download one is the map and one is the separate buildings pack which include the EMR sawmill and the OK Used Mods dealership that has been updated for FS22. You have to unzip the buildings pack and drag them into your mods folder. Most of the ranch buildings will only show up if you are in new farmer mode. There are 4 other farm locations on the map with the elm creek barns but none of the doors will work until you perches the land. Also after you perches the land you can take down the realty signs by walking up to them and deactivating them. There are 12 elk antler collectibles on the map, I also added 3 new collectibles. There are a few extra map fill types add for future production opportunity.
You will need Terra Farm for the mining to work. If you need some help with the mining using Terra Farm check out Argsy Gaming tutorial on mining
I wanted to give a special thanks to the Realistic Gaming Crew for allowing me to use their mining assets from their map Yukon Valley. Also a big thanks to Haggis and the Farmers Only Club for allowing me to use their custom crop calendar from their map Hobos Hollow.
I have to thank Glen at OK Used Mods, Farm Sim Guy, Argsy, Klutch, Tactical Farmer, Mario Hirschfeld, VENGENCE MEDIA, PapaSmurf Modding and all my private testers for their support, map previews and suggestions. Thank you all!!
If you have supported me already I just wanted to say thank you!!
A spatial thanks to Julián Millán Luengo for creating this great premier video for the map
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
If you would like to support my future projects you can click on this link and it will take you to my PayPal donation page:
Elk Mountain Modding-
14 Mar 20:22Version
4 Comments for Elk Mountain Wyoming
Die Map ist phantastisch und verwirrend zugleich. Wo anfangen ? Man kann alles tun was man möchte. So eine Map habe ich vorher noch nie gesehen. Empfehlenswert ist, erst einmal eine Rundfahrt um die ganze Karte zu machen. Es gibt so viele schöne Details die es sich lohnt erst einmal anzuschauen.
Mit dem Pferde Stall, stimmt bei mir etwas nicht, das abladen wenn im Trailer funktioniert nur richtig, wenn man die Pferde am Trigger entlädt, dort wo der Trailer für Pferde steht. Scheint korrekt zu sein. Desweiteren wenn ich die Pferde ausreite, und zurrück in die Koppel springe, bleiben die stehen und tun garnichts mehr, auch werden diese nicht mehr im Tiermenü angezeigt.
Müsste diese nun wieder in den Trailer packen und nochmal Neu ausladen!
Gepriesen sei Gott unser Vater im Namen unseres Herrn Jesus Christus!
denn: »Jeder, der den Namen des Herrn anruft, wird gerettet werden«. Römer 10:13
Danke für die Map und dein Bekenntnis!
Hallo erstmal. Wo finde ich denn die zweite Datei mit den Gebäuden? ich habe noch nicht soviel Ahnung davon.