With this little script, you can manually control the height and the tilt of three points implements.
Pressing CTRL + KP Minus you can set a custom height (shown by the red point in the custom hud) and by pressing CTRL + KP Plus the tool will go at the set height, pressing again CTRL + KP Plus the tool will raise.
In addition, this script makes the equipment to require more force to be pulled as the tool is more lowered. That means that if you lower the tool as much as possible it will way more difficult to be pulled compared to a less deep position.
Be careful that the script is still in a beta version, can occur bugs and Lua errors. If you should have problems or suggestions I beg you to contact me to improve the mod. Thank you!
Model: /
Texture: /
Script: Lorenzos
Idea / Concept: Lorenzos
06 Apr 22:00Version
Minor bugs fix
Added de translation (to check)
Code clean up -
05 Apr 20:01Version
Trailer fix
04 Apr 12:01Version
Fixed bug with trailer
Activated multiplayer -
03 Apr 18:15Version
3 Comments for Real Attacher Joints
I downloaded it and it doesnt work. Is there somethnig i cant try
Thank you for the fast answer.
I hope you can fix the errors.
All the best to you. I hope you are fine
thanks for the good mod. but i think, it`s not working with the helper. If i activate the helper, use it the standart Level. Is it so?