This release is intended for testing at first. I'm working on 3 maps. I barely had time working on this one, so I need some feedback on this level if it doesn't work or some other issues not listed in the known issues list.
Known Issues:
- Gravity is not working properly, and will result in ragdolls slightly shaking including your weapons. I think this is because of the landscape's complexity and size.
- AI won't see you at the first objective, but will be able to see you after you kill them once when they counter attack.
- Some minor static meshes lighting issues, I will be replacing them later on.
- Skylight makes some static meshes darker than they should be, especially the landscape foliage, palm trees etc.
- For testing, only Lighting=Day level is built. This is temporary.
Scenarios List:
[ Scenario_Dunes_Checkpoint_Security ] < Default
[ Scenario_Dunes_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Day ] < Day
[ Scenario_Dunes_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Evening] < Evening
[ Scenario_Dunes_Checkpoint_Security?Lighting=Night ] < Night
Other Game Modes Coming Soon!
Testing in Local Play:
Enter this command after loading any map from the local play menu while in-game.
[ Dunes?Scenario=Scenario_Dunes_Checkpoint_Security ] < Default is Day
Keep in mind that this is a test and the map has only 2 objectives.
07 Sep 16:42Version 1.0
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