
V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Hello there! This is my new map for Farming Simulator 17.


This map has around 25 ha of working area. So far I was testing it for about 100 hours. The log was clean and I did not have any problems with it.


There is forest and sawmill for it. I know it has only one silo for BGP, but for me it work great. If you guys want more space for silage, you can always put in peaceable silo (there is a lot of space free in BGP). 

There are all four types of animals in it. Chickens, sheep, pigs and cows all work without problems.

I put in objects from Goldcrest Valley and some are from Sosnovka. There are also few objects, that I found on internet and some are made by me.


I hope you will enjoy playing the map as much as I did making it. Also I am open for any suggestions so I can make future maps better.


I apologize that I did not do description in German, but my German is really bad. :)


Thanks for downloads and ratings.



Model: dawiiid0o7
Idea / Concept: dawiiid0o7
Testing: dawiiid0o7 

  • 31 Mar 05:14
    Version 1


checksum: f79d40fa0024f8b08dbf94b458cca07e
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: dawiid0o7
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Dreamland
description in shop: hello there ... this is my first mod map so I hope that you will enjoy it

30.03 2017
Modhoster user rating
3.31 / 13 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1
Farming Simulator 17
390 MB 3079
31. 03 2017 3,079

2 Comments for Dreamland

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  1. Deepke 23. 04 2017

    Hello Dawiidee, This is my favorite so far. Not to big, and everything that should be in,is in :)
    In the small forest next to the sawmill, there's one tree in the air :)
    The transitions for the hill roads are a bit hard, so it's a bit bumpy.
    Thank you very much for the nice map, i'll keep on using it for a long time :)

  2. Smokee 03. 04 2017

    Hi dawiidee. Firstly i would like to compliment you on your map 'Dreamland'. I think it's great. But there is one major problem that I have found. 'Reseting' vehicles has been set up incorrectly. The reset vehicles were vanishing. So I took your map into GIANTS editor and found the problem. In Scenegraph, under 'Valley/Mesto/mesto/vehicleShop/storePlace,,,,,,, Under that you only had 'storePlace1End'........ You should have both .....as in >> loadPlace1 & loadPlace1End. If you don't know how to correct it, then go to the default game, using GIANTS editor and export the 'storePlace'/'loadPlace1'/'loadPlace1End' I3D file into your map. I hope this helps you and any other person that finds this help to them. :-).

    1 replies
