Hello Dawiidee, This is my favorite so far. Not to big, and everything that should be in,is in :)
In the small forest next to the sawmill, there's one tree in the air :)
The transitions for the hill roads are a bit hard, so it's a bit bumpy.
Thank you very much for the nice map, i'll keep on using it for a long time :)
Hi dawiidee. Firstly i would like to compliment you on your map 'Dreamland'. I think it's great. But there is one major problem that I have found. 'Reseting' vehicles has been set up incorrectly. The reset vehicles were vanishing. So I took your map into GIANTS editor and found the problem. In Scenegraph, under 'Valley/Mesto/mesto/vehicleShop/storePlace,,,,,,, Under that you only had 'storePlace1End'........ You should have both .....as in >> loadPlace1 & loadPlace1End. If you don't know how to correct it, then go to the default game, using GIANTS editor and export the 'storePlace'/'loadPlace1'/'loadPlace1End' I3D file into your map. I hope this helps you and any other person that finds this help to them. :-).
hello ... thanks for heads-up .. I never tried to reset vehicle so I never noticed it ... I allready worked on it and I fixed it ... thank you very much :)
2 Comments for Dreamland
Hello Dawiidee, This is my favorite so far. Not to big, and everything that should be in,is in :)
In the small forest next to the sawmill, there's one tree in the air :)
The transitions for the hill roads are a bit hard, so it's a bit bumpy.
Thank you very much for the nice map, i'll keep on using it for a long time :)
Hi dawiidee. Firstly i would like to compliment you on your map 'Dreamland'. I think it's great. But there is one major problem that I have found. 'Reseting' vehicles has been set up incorrectly. The reset vehicles were vanishing. So I took your map into GIANTS editor and found the problem. In Scenegraph, under 'Valley/Mesto/mesto/vehicleShop/storePlace,,,,,,, Under that you only had 'storePlace1End'........ You should have both .....as in >> loadPlace1 & loadPlace1End. If you don't know how to correct it, then go to the default game, using GIANTS editor and export the 'storePlace'/'loadPlace1'/'loadPlace1End' I3D file into your map. I hope this helps you and any other person that finds this help to them. :-).