Deutz telescopic loader bucket standard

V 0.9 Standard Früchte mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hello Mod community

offer you here on the request of a few users, the original Deutz Telehandler Bucket with Multi Fruit extension. The tool I was provided with a worn look (texture) and with this blade you can now all standard - fruit species transport (see detailed list below)

Everything it with the appropriate textures and partially adapted particle system. Especially with the "Alternative Tipping Mod" to good use.


Modhoster link ==> Loading capacity: 6000 liters (But that could not adapt themselves so each)

File upload link ==> volume: 3,000 l

Price: 600 € LS

Maintenance: LS-5 € / day


Load (standard): potatoes, sugar beet, silage and manure.

Load (crops V0.9): barley, corn, canola, wheat, chaff (chaff), grass (hay +), straw (wheat and barley) and compound feed (+ food).



Thus, this shovel can also be used for food storage.

Therefore, the loading volume of 6000 l (see DL Link 1) was high.





Caution! By GIANTS it was not included in the game is that you can make with the following blades:




A filled silo with chopped, with the shovel again to "unload"
Include straw and grass swaths (hay) on the field or on the lawn directly with a shovel




This is only possible in conjunction with a special mod, such as the "Alternative Tipping Mod", where you can unload a trailer everywhere. This may be thus formed Abladehaufen then added to the bucket.




The mod is far Logfehlerfrei, despite several other mods in the mods folder.


For all those who complain about the same again:

Yes, it is merely the original bucket of GIANTS and nothing special. But maybe needed one or the other this shovel, as I do, for the feed store or the "Alternative Tipping Mod".



TIP: If you do not need this mod, it should not even download only ...


Hope you can do something with it, have fun with it.

Everywhere a good harvest and a hand's breadth below the grain cutting o)



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Upload the mod in another forum



By the way, clicking on the "thanks" button really does not hurt ....


LG Steve007


Steve007 (Used-Look + Fruchterweiterung)

  • 05 Jul 09:20
    Version 0.9 Standard Früchte


checksum: f6e9bf306115ec9e19d8cac0e7902383
Version: 0.9 Standard Früchte
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Giants + Steve007 (Used + Multifruit + Baumaterial)
price in shop: 600 LS
name in shop: Deutz Teleskoplader Schaufel Standard - Früchte
description in shop: Deutz Teleskoplader Schaufel (Used + Standard - Früchte) V0.9:
Diese Schaufel für den Deutz Agrovector ermöglicht es Ihnen Mist in Stalldungstreuer, Silage in Futtermischwagen, Kartoffeln, Rüben und zusätzlich noch Gerste, Mais, Raps, Weizen, Häckselgut,

05.07 2013
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 3 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 0.9 Standard Früchte
Farming Simulator 2013
3.24 MB 3094
05. 07 2013 3,094

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