Actually I wanted to - I've warmed up with with LS11 and 13 - really create a MOD with LS 15. However, since the documentation is rather well arranged, I have ME to write a script to print complete variables with their fields so I can know what I can do.
Furthermore, I've given a stack trace function thereby log messages can be assigned better. So for example, the line number in the log appears.
The whole I put in here, because maybe it might help someone. You can change it, expand it, entirely. It's the same thought. I've written in the form in the first respect for ME because I find very tedious modding (and the associated programming) without detailed documentation and remote debugger.
PS: If anyone in the search for documentation and especially can help a remote Debbuger I would be super happy. It can not be but that I have to restart the game completely for each code change. (I know the GDN, the LUA documentation also, but how can I when the running game see variable values, or how I can a mod just so reload)
an alle Modder, deren Beiträge ich als Dokumentation oder HowTo verwendet habe-
02 Nov 10:22Version 1.0
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