DDR dairy farm

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Dairy farm for installation with the GE 86000 triangles, textures and AO log is clean. This system consists of a Doppelkuhstall with milking parlor and intigriertem rotary milking parlor, 6 barns for storage of straw, hay and equipment, workshop, food storage, as well as calf and heel stable for rearing the young. There are also at the entrances "epidemic troughs" installed, the water Plane sure you must set itself. All doors can be fitted with a Tortrigger. Silage, dung, manure and milk triggers must still be clean set, and the straw and forage Plan. This system is a replica and therefore exists really, there were approximately 400 dairy cows gehalten.Das carcass House also installed in this mod because it is there also in reality, who thus has a problem, it may ausbauen.Viel fun damit.mfg !'d like bauer, upload or distribute in other forums is not allowed [/ size] It is prohibited to upload this mod again, not even in modified form Please use the original download link - It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in a altered form Abstract: original download link - draudžiama / kelti š / mod vl, net pakitusiu pavidalu Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod - Zabrania si WGra th mod jeszcze, nawet w zmienionej formie Prosz u |!! ywa oryginalnego link do pobrania! - The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zm n né form! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení!



  • 27 Mar 18:38
    Version 1.0

27.03 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.2 / 40 Votes


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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
22.4 MB 2713
27. 03 2015 2,713

1 Comments for DDR dairy farm

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  1. BroadAcres 04. 11 2015

    Did anyone gets this working and how?
